
Research Proposal PART I ( Title & Introduction) - The Development of Bloodventure Game to Improve Students Understanding and Motivation Learning on Circulatory System Topic - By Hengky Kusniar




                  1. Background

The 21st century is where we date and run an era we call globalization. Advances in technology and communication accompany every activity we do every day. From activity such as working, shopping, and learning cannot be separated from technology that makes it easy for us to do all the activities. Especially the millennial era who are now the generation which has a dependency on technology in the 21st century. Social media, websites, and games are very common among teenager today. Such pupils handle digital information daily, are connected via mobile technologies, work interactively, often perform several tasks more or less simultaneously and play games to a greater extent than previous generations (Beck & Wade 2006; OCW 2007).

One example technological advances that cannot be separated from the current millennial generation is games. Playing games is very fun for students, especially in this modern era playing games has become a hobby and even has become a habit for students. Over the past decade, games have become an increasingly popular activity for today’s youth, nearly all of whom both boys (99%) and girls (94%) play computer-based games as a free-choice activity (Lenhart, 2008). 

Playing games certainly has positive and negative values, one of the negative values ​​is making students addicted to playing the game and forgetting the time to do other things such as studying and doing homework. But playing games is also able to make students happier and enjoy the activity. Therefore it becomes an innovation if a game is integrated with the learning process of students in the millennial era which refers to the development of technology and starts to leave the convenient learning process like the lecturing learning process. Even many experts who have researched the influence of games on student learning processes. The idea of implementing games for facilitating teaching is not a new concept as educators, researchers, policymakers and the popular press have been discussing games for learning in formal education since the 1960s (Scarfe, 1962).

Game-based Learning (GBL) refers to the use of games to support teaching and learning (Wilson, Hainey, & Connolly, 2013). It is a student-centered approach that incorporates learning content into games (Gee, 2014), leading-learners to develop and exercise a wide range of skills. Knowledge construction that takes place when using games is fundamentally different from the learning experiences associated with traditional teaching tools (Vogrinc & Zuljan, 2010). The Game-Based Learning methodology entails setting learning goals in which learners maintain the enjoyment of play while ensuring that students will absorb and embrace the knowledge (Skilbeck, 2017). Hence, students feel ownership over their learning and are motivated to establish relationships with other players. More recently, GBL has been explored in science education and prompted considerable attention in exploring how and why games might be powerful tools in the classroom (De Freitas, 2006). As a result of this interest, there is a significant body of literature available on game-based science learning that explores the potential benefits of GBL for knowledge construction and encouraging engagement with science subjects (Shaenfeld, 2016; Li & Tsai, 2013).

Learning science will be very easy and fun when using game-based learning. Because the science content is very wide and difficult. We know that science consists of several subjects, namely biology, chemistry, and physics. Science can be categorized as a difficult lesson especially in learning biology concepts the researcher finds difficulty for students (Tekkaya, Ozlem, and Sungur, 2001). It has been identified that high school students face a problem in learning several concepts, such as the structures of cells, organelles, organs, and physiological processes, hormonal regulation, oxygen transport, controlled experiments and the principle of structure and function (Tekkaya, Ozlem, and Sungur, 2001)

If it is seen in a big frame, one common problem encountered by the students in the biological sciences is difficulty in understanding biological concepts. The complex concepts and vocabulary of biology classes discourage many students (Gutierrez, 2014). One of the topics that students may have difficulty is the Circulatory System. In learning the Circulatory system, students are required to understand complex concepts such as a function of blood, structure of the heart, function of the heart, and circulatory pattern. Students also have to memorize many complex vocabularies, such as the structures of the circulatory organ system. So, it can be concluded that the circulatory system is categorized as a difficult concept in biology. That opinion is supported by the result of A review of the research literature shows that several studies have been conducted involving misconceptions about the blood circulatory system that are held by high school (Yeşilyurt & Gül, 2012)

The past three decades, educators who want to exploit the potential benefits of learning games have used various genres of computer games including simulation, role-playing, strategy, sports, puzzles, and action games (Dondlinger, 2007; Sandford, Ulicsak, Facer, & Rudd , 2006; Squire & Barab, 2004). This game simulates the journey of red blood cells in the process of the circulatory system in humans. With 2D graphics, students will easily understand and remember where the path taken by red blood cells in the process of the circulatory system is taking place. With the character and background of the game designed to resemble the processes in the circulatory system, it is hoped that students will be more motivated and understand the concept of the circulatory system.

The Bloodventure game is intended to facilitate students in understanding and avoiding if we learn difficult learning methods and appropriate learning strategies, learning methods that can be selected as learning strategies and ways to play Bloodventure are suitable for the science learning process. In conclusion, it is hoped that the blood game can help students understand concepts and also increase their motivation. Hopefully, the results of this study will discuss the planning of the Bloodventure game on students’ understanding and motivation during the learning process of the Circulation system.


1.      Research Problem

According to the Background, The risen by this research is “How does the development of bloodventure game to improve students understanding and motivation learning on circulatory system topic?”


2.      Research Question

The research is conducted to obtain some other information and arranged as follows:

a)      How is the effect of Bloodventure Game towards students’ Understanding in learning Circulatory system?

b)      How is the effect of Bloodventure Game towards students’ Motivation in learning Circulatory system?

c)      How is the student’s impression after learning Circulatory System using Bloodventure Game?


3.      Limitation of Problem

To avoid widening of problem on this research, then the research will be limited for the following things:

a)      Bloodventure Game

Bloodventure Game is a game developed to motivate and facilitate students to learn the concept of the Circulatory system. And applied in learning activities so that students are able to learn happily and facilitate teachers in teaching media. This game was created using the Construct 2D Application.

b)      Students Understanding

Students’ understanding of the topic in this research is measured from C1 level (Remember) until C3 level (Applying) according to Bloom’s Taxonomy. The knowledge dimension mainly applied in this research is conceptual knowledge. (Krathwohl, 2002)

c)      Students Motivation

Students’ motivation that is measured in this research using ARCS (Attention, Relevancy, Confidence, Satisfaction) model by Keller (1987). Students who are intrinsically motivated engage in an activity because the activity in itself evokes interest or pleasure or because they identify with reasons for performing an activity.

d)      Circulatory system

In this research the learning topic is about circulatory system, specifically the Human Circulatory System. The topic was implemented based on Indonesia National Curriculum of 2013 Revision 2017 in the core competence number 3 which is “Memahami dan menerapkan pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural) berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.” and basic competence number 3.7 “Menganalisis system peredaran darah pada manusia dan memahami gangguan pada sistem peredaran darah, serta upaya menjaga kesehatan sistem peredaran darah.”

4.      Research Objective

The objectives of this study are as follows:

a)        To analyze the implementation of Bloodventure Game by students in learning Circulatory System topic.

b)        To analyze the effect of Bloodventure Game towards students’ conceptual understanding in learning Circulatory System.

c)        To analyze the effects of Bloodventure Game towards students’ Motivation in learning Circulatory system.


5.      Research Benefit

This research is important to be conducted because it is expected to provide some benefits to various sides including:

a)      The Benefits for Students

From this study, students are expect to increase their understanding and motivation after using Bloodventure Game in learning activity. Logically, when the students are motivated to learn, it is expected that the students will also increase their learning accomplishment. This study is expected to create a fun learning activity for the students. Through Bloodventure Game, it is expected the students will be able to memorize science concept of Circulatory System better and easier, so that the students can learn science without feeling distress, fear, and boring.

b)      The Benefits for Teachers

This study can provide specific references, for the science teachers. The Teachers can use the Bloodventure Game in their Learning activity as a teaching media. By using Bloodventure, teachers are expected to be able to improve their quality in classroom activities, especially in science class activities. Furthermore, the teacher can create opportunities for students to learning by using media that in line with 21st Century skills.

c)      The Benefits for Researchers

        The results of this study are expected to contribute the development of Bloodventure game and assist future researchers who have similar research interest, and generally about game-based learning in science education.

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