
Urine Testing Practice - IPSE FPMIPA UPI - Science Lab 2


Urine Testing

A.    Introduction

A liquid containing multiple waste products of metabolism, especially ureaand other nitrogenous compounds that are filtered from the blood by thekidneys. Urine is stored in the urinary bladder and is excreted from the body through the Urethra. 

About 91-96% of urine consists of water. Urine also contains an assortment of inorganic salts and organic compounds, including proteins, hormones, and a wide range of metabolites, varying by what is introduced into the body.

The total solids in urine are on average 59 g per person per day. Organic matter makes up between 65% and 85% of urine dry solids, with volatile solids comprising 75–85% of total solids. Urea is the largest constituent of the solids, constituting more than 50% of the total. On an elemental level, human urine contains 6.87 g/L carbon, 8.12 g/L nitrogen, 8.25 g/L oxygen, and 1.51 g/L hydrogen. The exact proportions vary with individuals and with factors such as diet and health. In healthy persons, urine contains very little protein; an excess is suggestive of illness.

B.     Method

1.      Material and Equipment

·         Benedict solution (glucose test)

·         Biuret solution (Protein test)

·         PbNO3 solution (Chloride test)

·         Urine (fresh urine when wake up in the morning)

·         Test tubes

·         Test tube racks

·         Test tube holders

·         Bunsen burner

·         Litmus paper/ Universal pH indicator

·         Drop pipettes

·         Tissue

·         Matches

2.      Procedure

a.       pH Test

·         Put 2 ml urine into a test tube.

·         Put litmus paper to the urine.

·         Observe of color change on the litmus paper and see the color on the table of pH.

·         Write the pH of urine on the result table.

b.      Glucose Test

·         Put 2 ml urine into a test tube

·         Add 5 drops of Benedict solution to urine

·         Hold the test tube with a test tube holder.

·         Burn the test tube use Bunsen burner for 1 – 2minutes

·         Observe of color change and presence/absence of sediment in the urine

·         Write the result on the table

c.       Protein Test

·         Put 2 ml urine into a test tube

·         Add 5 Drops of Biuret solution to the urine

·         Let stand for 5 minutes

·         Observe of color change and presence/absence of sediment in the urine

·         Write the result on the table

d.      Chloride (Cl) Test

·         Put 2 mL urine into a test tube.

·         Add 5 drops of Pb(NO3)2 solution to the urine.

·         Let stand for 5 minutes.

·         Observe of color change and presence/absence of white sediment in the urine.

·         Write the result on the table.

e.       Ammonia Test

·         Put 2 mL urine into a test tube.

·         Hold the test tube with attest tube holder.

·         Burn the test tube use Bunsen burner until boiling.

·         Observe of color change and smell from the urine

·         Write the result on the table

C.     Result


Urine testing




Physical properties of urine

     ·         Pale yellow

     ·         Piss smell

     ·         There is no sediment



Urine Sample






Hengky K.


Green – ish


White there are precipitation

Smells and no color change

Echa N.


Green – ish


White, there are precipitation

Smells and no color change

Hurin A.


Green – ish


White there are precipitation

Smells and no color change

Weni A.




White there are precipitation

Smells and no color change

D.    Discussion

There are several types of content that have been tested, namely ammonia test, chloride test, protein test and glucose test, and pH. The physical properties of urine observed were pale yellow, smelly and no sediment. This shows that the urine is physically normal.

Test the pH level in urine by using litmus paper indicator. After urine is inserted in the urine then the color is matched to a pH standard, indicating that the 4 urine samples have pH 6 and 7. Meaning the urine tested has a normal pH because the normal urine pH is based on medicine is between 4 -7.

Test the smell of ammonia from urea in urine. That is by heating first to boil then known how the smell, it turns out after the test, all urine samples that have been tested smelly, this is because bilirubin and billiverdin work. Ammonia is present in the urine because it comes from deamination of amino acids that occurs primarily in the liver, but in the kidney also occurs also the process of ammonia deamination (NH3) can also come from protein discharge and harmful to cells. Therefore, ammonia must be removed from the body but before it is removed it must be converted first into urea.

Testing the protein content in the urine, using 5 drops of biuret solution and let for 5 minutes, the original color in yellow urine after the biuret and leave for 5 minutes was not changed color, it means that the urine does not contain protein. It shows that the kidneys are in good condition so they can filter the protein (albumin) in the urine. When a white ring is formed in the test tube there is damage to the renal glomerulus so it not be able to filter the protein in the urine. Or damage to the endothelium capsule membrane / due to irritation of renal cells due to ingestion of substances such as toxins, bacteria, ether, or heavy metals.

the next test is to test the chloride content in the urine, done by adding 5 drops of PbNO3 solution, then see the results, and the results obtained are that the color of urine changes from yellow to white, and there is sediment, it is because the urine contains salt. And there is a thin white precipitate, the precipitate is the precipitate PbCl2 formed from the reaction:

Pb (NO3) 2 + Cl- → PbCl2 + NO3-

The presence of chloride in the urine comes from salts that enter the body through foods such as NaCl which then in the body fluids will decompose into ions. Chloride will always exist in the urine of a person, this is because in the filtration of small molecules such as glucose and mineral salts reabsorbed via active transport. The excess NaCl produced from the augmentation process is removed through the urine in the form of Cl ions.

And the last is to test the glucose content in urine, by adding 5 drops of benedict solution and heating to boiling, the initial color in the urine is yellow and after the heat 3 sample urine turns green and 1 sample becomes yellow, urine, from it can be seen that the urine from the sample Hengky, Hurin, Echa contains 1% glucose. It is still safe for health. The urine sample from weni contains 5% glucose indicating that it is quite dangerous and should be seen by a doctor.




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