
Research Proposal Part II (Literature Review) - The Development of Bloodventure Game to Improve Students Understanding and Motivation Learning on Circulatory sytem Topic - By Hengky Kusniar


1.      Bloodventure Game

Bloodventure Game is a game developed to motivate and facilitate students to learn the concept of the Circulatory system. And applied in learning activities so that students are able to learn happily and facilitate teachers in teaching media. This game was created using the Unity 2d Application. This game is themed adventure about adventure. An adventure video game is a type of computer game in which the player has an interactive role in a story which is driven by puzzle-solving and exploration (Rollings and Adams 2003). Adventure video games are stand-alone simulation games in which the player is interacting with a computer (Ranalli 2008) and the emphasis is on stories, characters, and the adventure. In this research, adventure games will include a circulatory system content with a circulatory system sub-topic in humans.

The essence of this game is a journey of red blood to carry oxygen or carbon dioxide in the human circulatory system, which circulates these compounds by exploring all parts of the body in accordance with the concept in learning circulatory systems. In this game, it will be divided into several levels according to the path of human blood circulation, with this game expected to be able to increase student motivation and facilitate students in learning the circulatory system concept.

2.      Game-Based Learning

Game based learning describes an approach to teaching, where students explore relevant aspect of games in a learning context designed by teachers. Teachers and students collaborate in order to add depth and perspective to the experience of playing the game. Good game-based learning applications can draw us into virtual environments that look and feel familiar and relevant. Within an effective game-based learning environment, we work toward a goal, choosing actions and experiencing the consequences of those actions along the way. We make mistakes in a risk-free setting, and through experimentation, we actively learn and practice the right way to do things. This keeps us highly engaged in practicing behaviors and thought processes that we can easily transfer from the simulated environment to real life. While similar, gamification is a different breed of learning experience. Gamification takes game elements (such as points, badges, leaderboards, competition, achievements) and applies them to a non-game setting. It has the potential to turn routine, mundane tasks into refreshing, motivating experiences. 

3.      Construct 2

Construct 2 is a game maker based on HTML 5 that is designed for 2D platforms. This software was developed by SCIRRA which was made from London, England. Create 2 easy-to-use game machines for game development for beginners. By using this game engine beginners or experts can easily make a game because of Construct 2 plays on the use of logic in its making comparing more programming codes.

In construct 2 there are system events "and" behaviors "that have a function as a substitute for entering program code. The "system event" functions to enter the logic needed for the application to run properly. Whereas "behavior" helps in terms of object movement, mathematical calculations, transition effects, and other functions. A developer will be able to immediately see or preview the results of the game being developed by pressing the start button and will be directed automatically to the browser. The result of product construct 2 is an application.

4.      Story Board

Story Board is a technique or method used to visualize the interface before the implementation process starts. According to Dastbaz (2003, page. 134) storyboards are sketches of what will be made. Storyboard is very important in this research process because it serves as a tool in making and designing games.

5.      Flowcharts

According Jogiyanto (2005, p, 795) flowchart is a chart that shows the flow in the program or system procedure based on logic. The flowchart is used as a communication and documentation tool.


6.      Students’ Understanding

Anderson and Krathwohl (2001) state that understanding is described as the construct meaning of instructional massage, including oral, written, and graphic communication. The dimension of cognitive processes represents a continuum of increased cognitive complexity from remembering to creating. There are six cognitive domains based on Bloom's Revised Taxonomy such as C1 (Remembering), C2 (Understanding), C3 (Applying), C4 (Analyzing), C5 (Evaluating), and C6 (Creating).

a)      Remembering: Taking, recognizing, and recalling relevant knowledge from long-term     memory.

b)      Understanding: Building the meaning of oral, written and graphic messages through       interpretation, example, classification, summarizing, summarizing, comparing and       explaining.

c)      Implementing: Perform or use procedures through executing or implementing.

d)     Analyzing: Breaking down the material into its constituent parts, determining how the   parts relate to each other and to the overall structure or purpose through differentiation,   organization and association.

e)   Evaluating: make judgments based on criteria and standards through checking and   criticism.

f)     Creating: Bringing together elements to form a coherent or functional whole; organize   elements into new patterns or structured producer or production plans.

1.      Student Motivation

Students’ motivation that is measured in this research using ARCS (Attention, Relevancy, Confidence, Satisfaction) model by Keller (1987). ARCS learning model is a form of problem solving approach to design aspects of motivation and learning environment in encouraging and maintaining student motivation to teach (Keller, 1987). This learning model is closely related to student motivation, especially motivation to acquire new knowledge.

According to Direktorat Jendral Peningkatan Mutu Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan Departemen Nasional (2008) motivation is very important in learning because motivation can encourage students to perceive information in teaching materials. No matter how good the design of teaching materials, if students are not motivated, learning events will not occur because students will not perceive the information in the teaching materials. To increase student learning motivation to improve student achievement or learning outcomes especially in accounting subjects with the subject of general journals, the application of the ARCS learning model is very effective to use because this ARCS learning model is tailored to the needs or interests of students. There are four components to the ARCS model, and it stands for Attention, Relevance, Confidence, and Satisfaction.

Attention:  This refers to the interests of students. It is very important to get and maintain the interests and attention of students.

Relevance: The learning process must demonstrate the usefulness of content so that students can bridge the gap between content and the real world.

Confidence: This component focuses on developing expectations of success among students, and expectations of success allow students to control their learning process. There is a correlation between the level of trust and expectations of success. That is why giving students an estimate of the probability of success is important.

Satisfaction: There is a direct relationship between motivation and satisfaction. Learners must be satisfied with what they achieved when learning the process.


This learning model is closely related to student motivation, especially ARCS itself is an acronym for students' attitudes, namely attention, relevance, confidence, and satisfaction. So, the authors conclude that the ARCS learning model is a form of learning that prioritizes student attention, adapts learning material to student learning experiences, creates self-confidence in students, and gives rise to satisfaction in these students. This learning model is interesting because it is developed based on theories and concrete experiences of the structure so that it can arouse students' learning enthusiasm optimally by motivating students to obtain optimal learning outcomes. According to Awoniyi, et al (1997: 30) this ARCS learning model has the following advantages:

a)      Give hints: be active and give direction on what students must do

b)      The way to present the material with the ARCS model is not only  with theories whose application is less interesting

c)      Motivational models are reinforced by the design of student-centered forms of learning

d)      The application of the ARCS model increases motivation to repeat other material that is essentially unattractive

e)      Overall assessment of abilities more than the characteristics of students so that learning strategies are more effective


2.      Circulatory system

The concept used is Circulatory System, where according to Model Silabus Mata Pelajaran Sekolah Menengah Pertama/Madrasah Tsanawiyah: Mata Pelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2017). Circulatory System has syllabus model that is shown in Table 2,


Table 2.

Syllabus Mata Pelajaran Sekolah Menengah Pertama/Madrasah Tsanawiyah:   Mata Pelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam model


Core Competence

Basic Competence





3. Memahami dan menerapkan pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural) berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.


3.7. Menganalisis sistem peredaran darah pada manusia dan memahami gangguan pada sistem peredaran darah, serta upaya menjaga kesehatan sistem peredaran darah.


Circulatory System

Blood, Human Circulatory System

4. Mengolah, menyaji, dan menalar dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan, mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan

mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.


4.7. Menyajikan hasil percobaan pengaruh aktivitas (jenis, intensitas, atau durasi pada frekuensi denyut jantung.




        (Source: Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2017)

a)      Blood

Blood is a connective tissue that is liquid and is composed of two main components namely plasma and cellular elements. Blood plasma is an extracellular fluid that contains dissolved substances, while cellular elements are composed of blood cells. If the blood contained in the test tube is centrifuged rotated at a certain speed, the blood cells will be at the bottom while the plasma is at the top. Blood is composed of 55% blood plasma and 45% blood cells. Normally, more than 99% of blood cells are composed of red blood cells erythrocytes and the rest are composed of white blood cells leukocytes and blood platelets.

b)       Blood plasma

            Blood plasma is composed of 91.5% water (H2O) and 8.5% dissolved substances. Dissolved substances are composed of proteins and other substances. Proteins dissolved in plasma include albumin, fibrinogen, and globulin which are often referred to as plasma proteins. Other substances that are dissolved in blood plasma include nutrients, minerals, hormones, antibodies, and metabolic waste products (urea and carbon dioxide).          

1)      Erythrocytes

Red blood cells are flat with a concave center (biconcave). Red blood cells do not have cell nuclei. The red color in red blood cells is caused by the presence of hemoglobin (Hb) in red blood cells. Hemoglobin is a protein that contains iron. The most red blood cells are in the blood, 1 mm³ (approximately about one drop) of blood consists over 4-5 million red blood cells. When in the lungs, the hemoglobin in red blood cells has a high binding capacity to oxygen, so that it will bind oxygen to form the ox hemoglobin complex. The chemical reaction equation is:

When red blood cells are in the body's tissues, the binding capacity of hemoglobin to oxygen decreases, so that oxygen is released from hemoglobin into the body's cells. Conversely, when in the body's tissues, the binding capacity of hemoglobin to carbon dioxide is high. Carbon dioxide binds to hemoglobin to form carbaminohemoglobin. The chemical reaction equation is:

Red blood cells containing carbaminohemoglobin then go to the lungs. In the lungs carbon dioxide is released to be expelled from the body. Do you still remember where red blood cells were formed? Red blood cells are formed in the bone marrow. However, during the womb, red blood cells are formed in the liver and spleen. Red blood cells are only around 100-120 days old. Old cells will be destroyed by macrophage cells in the liver and spleen. Furthermore, in the liver, hemoglobin is overhauled, then turned into bilirubin (bile pigment).

2)       Leukocytes

Unlike red blood cells, white blood cells have a non-permanent or amoeboid form and have a nucleus. The number of white blood cells is not as much as the number of red blood cells, every 1 mm³ of blood contains about 8,000 white blood cells. The main function of white blood cells is to fight germs / germs that enter the body. If there is an increase in the number of leukocytes in the blood, there is a possibility of infection in the body. If the number of leukocytes reaches below 6,000 cells per 1 mm³ of blood is referred to as a condition of leukopenia. If the number of leukocytes exceeds normal (above 9,000 cells per 1 mm³) is called leukocytosis. Based on the presence or absence of coarse grains (granules) in the cytoplasm of leukocytes, leukocytes can be divided into granulocytes and granulocytes. Granulocyte leukocytes consist of eosinophil’s, basophils and neutrophils. Granulocytes consist of lymphocytes and monocytes. So you can understand well the characteristics of the types of white blood cells, see Table 3.

3)      Thrombocytes

Platelet forms are diverse, which are round, oval, and elongated. Platelets are non-nucleated and granular. The number of cells in adults is around 200,000 - 500,000 cells per 1 mm3 of blood. The lifespan of a piece of blood is quite short, which is 5 to 9 days. Pieces of blood are closely related to the process of drying the wound, so it's not wonder if anyone calls blood clots with clotted blood cells. Well, have you ever thought about how the process of blood clotting occurs?

Shortly after a part of the body has been injured, the platelets will rupture due to contact with the rough surface of the injured blood vessel. In platelets, there is the enzyme thrombokinase or thromboplastic. The thromboplastic enzyme will convert prothrombin (a candidate for thrombin) into thrombin because of the influence of calcium ions and vitamin K in the blood. Thrombin will convert fibrinogen (blood protein) into fibrin strands. These fibrin threads will capture blood cells so that the wound is closed and blood does not drip again. So you can easily understand the process of blood clotting, pay attention to Figure 4!

c)      Heart

Blood can flow throughout the body because in our body there are organs that act as blood pumps called the heart. Look at Figure 6.6! The heart consists of 4 chambers, namely the left atrium and the right atrium and the left ventricle and the right ventricle. The heart porch is located at the top, while the heart chamber is located at the bottom. Blood from the whole body, will enter the first time to the right atrium, so the blood in the right atrium contains a lot of CO2. From the right atrium, blood will pass through the tricuspid valve to the right chamber. This valve serves so that blood cannot return to the right atrium. The blood in the right chamber is pumped by the right chamber through the pulmonary artery to the lungs so that CO2 in the blood is released and the binding of O2 Blood from the lungs flows through the pulmonary vein to the left atrium, so the blood in the left atrium contains a lot of O2. Blood from the left atrium descends through the bicuspidalis valve to the left ventricle. The left ventricle will pump blood throughout the body through the aortic vessels. Through this picture you can see that the wall of the left ventricle is thicker than the rest of the heart. Why is that? Try connecting to the left cubicle function!

Have you ever wondered why your heart can beat automatically without the need for you to command so that even though you fall asleep your heart still beats? Think about it, what will happen if for every beat you have to govern the throbbing heart, just like when you command the feet when going to walk! Of course if the heart has to beat according to your command, when you fall asleep the heart will stop beating so it can't pump blood throughout the body. This results in the body's cells not getting a supply of O2, nutrients, and metabolic waste substances cannot be transported by the blood.


d)      Blood vessel

Blood vessels can be divided into three, namely the arteries (arteries), veins (veins), and capillaries. Arteries are blood vessels that flow blood out of the heart, while veins drain blood into the heart. Arteries contain oxygenated blood, except for the pulmonary arteries. Veins containing blood that contain a lot of carbon dioxide, except the pulmonary vein. The ends of the arteries and veins branch into small vessels called capillaries. In this capillary vessel there is an exchange of oxygen gas and carbon dioxide gas between the blood and body tissues.

e)      Human Circulatory System

Human blood circulation, including closed blood circulation because blood is always circulating in blood vessels. Each circulating, blood passes through the heart twice so it is called double blood circulation. In this double blood circulation, it is known as small blood circulation and large blood circulation. Small blood circulation is blood circulation that starts from the heart (right ventricle) to the lungs and then back again to the heart (left porch) as shown in Figure 5 below.

       Figure 5. Trombocytes

    (Source: Kurikulum 2013 revision, 2017)

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