
Research Proposal Part III (Research Methodology) - The Development of Bloodventure Game to Improve Students Understanding and Motivation Learning on Circulatory sytem Topic - By Hengky Kusniar



1.      Research Method and Research Design

a.       Research Method

The method used in this research is quasi-experimental. Creswell (2012) stated that quasi experiments include assignment, but not random assignment of participants to group.  The researcher use the quantitative approach for students understanding of Circulatory System concept. This approach based on the research objectives of this study what will be achieved. The main objective of this study is to improve students understanding and motivation learning on circulatory topic using Bloodventure game.

In the research conducted, two classes were used as participants for this study, in which one class as a control group using the Circulatory System PowerPoint presentation as the teaching media, and another class using a Bloodventure game as a media of teaching. This method was chosen because it is an appropriate way to interpret the use of Game-Based Learning as teaching media to improve students' understanding and motivation in learning about the Circulatory system.

b.      Research Design

The design used in this research is pre-test and post-test design (Creswell, 2012). The researcher assigns intact groups the experimental and control treatments as shown in Table 4, administers a pre-test to both groups, conducts experimental treatment activities with the experimental group only, and then administers a post-test to assess the differences between the two groups.


Table 4.

Research design

Select Control Group


Using Power point as a teaching media


Select Experimental Group


Using Bloodventure game


Population and Sample

In this study, a private secondary Education school was used for Student learning on the topic of the Human Circulatory System in Biology courses based on the Indonesian Basic Education Curriculum.

The school implements a technology infrastructure that includes the internet, wireless communication, and personal computers with the support of the Office of the Basic Education.

A total of 8th-grade on 2nd semester of science students from two classes participated in this study. One class was assigned to receive learning with the Bloodventure game as a teaching media, and another participated in the conventional learning using power point as a teaching media.


3.      Operational Definition

In order to avoid misconception in this research, some operational definitions are explained in this research. The research variables are explained as follow:

a)       Student Understanding

In this study are the competencies of students which include cognitive levels such as remembering (C1), understanding (C2) and applying (C3). The indicators are the Blood and Human Circulatory system. This competency is measured using Objective test multiple choice questions and essays (pre-test and post-test).

b)      Students Motivation

In this research is the feedback from students after they learn using bloodventure game. The indicators for measuring students ‘motivation using ARCS (attention, relevancy, Confidence, satisfaction) Model and the question of the questionnaire is made by researcher by following ARCS indicators.

4.      Assumption

The assumptions of this research are:

a)      Using Bloodventure game in the topic of Circulatory System can improve students' conceptual understanding better than PowerPoint as a teaching media.

b)     Using Bloodventure game on the topic of Circulatory system can improve students' motivation abilities better than PowerPoint as a teaching media


5.      Hypothesis

Hypothesis that is tested in this study are as follow:

H0:       There is no effect in students ‘understanding in learning Circulatory System between experiment class and control class using Bloodventure Game and Power Point as a teaching media.

H1:       There is an effect in students ‘understanding in Circulatory System between experiment class and control class using Bloodventure Game and Power Point as a teaching media.


6.      Research Instrument

In order to make the data gain is arranged well, the research instrument is necessary. There are four type of instrument that is used in this research which is objective test (multiple choice and essay for pretest and posttest), observation sheet and questionnaire. Those instruments are described as follow:

a)      Objective Test

Objective test in this research is multiple choice and essay. Objectives test have purpose to measuring the cognitive process dimension based on Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy from C1 until C3 only. The cognitive process dimension is:

C1. Remembering: Retrieving relevant knowledge from long- term Memory

C2. Understanding: Determining the meaning of instructional messages, including oral, written, and graphic communication

C3. Applying: Carrying out or using a procedure in a given situation.

In order to make the objective test is validate using anates version 4.1, the objective test should be analysis first using several test such as:

a. Validity

According to Fraenkeland Wallen (2012) Validity refers to the appropriateness, meaningful-ness, correctness, and usefulness of the inferences a researcher makes. Before the objective test can used for measuring students conceptual understanding, objective test should be validated and validity becoming important aspect of any test. Validity can be measured using correlation formula stated by Person.

b)      Observation Sheet

Observation sheet used for controlling/ checking the learning activity that consist of student’s activity and teacher activity. The arrangement of the observation sheet following the lessons plan that made by researcher. Observation sheet will be done by observer who observe along teaching and learning activity.

c)      Questionnaire

The questionnaire is used to know the students’ Motivation after using Bloodventure Game as multimedia in learning Solar System, whether the results positive or negative for the students. Respond scale that used for this questionnaire is Likert Scale. In Likert Scale, the respondents are asked to give a respond of each statement with multiple answers which are Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, and Strongly Disagree. In this research, the “neutral” answer is omitted to avoid the hesitation of students’ impression whether the impression is negative or positive.


7.      Research Procedure

The prototyping development model presented in Figure 3.1 is then expanded to fit the purpose of this research. The procedure taken in this research can be seen in Figure

a)      Preparation Stage

Before taking the data of this research, there are several steps that should be followed in this preparation stage. The steps as follow:

1)      Formulating the problem to be analyzed.

2)      Determining variables that will be the focus of research.

3) Conducting literature review of Game-based Learning and Students’ Understanding and Student Motivation

4)      Arranging the proposal of research that will be presented in proposal seminar.

5)      Consulting the research proposal to lecture and expertise

6)      Presenting proposal of research in proposal seminar.

7)    Revising proposal of research that has been given a critics and suggestions by   lectures.

8)      Arranging the instrument of research and asking expert to judge.

9)      Developing the Bloodventure game and asking to expert judge

10)  Revising the Bloodventure Game and instrument of research that has been       judged by expert.

11)  Testing instrument of research in class and analyzing it by ANATES

12)  Testing the Bloodventure game before implement in the research

b)      Implementation Stage

 The following steps are how this research will be the implemented:

1)      Determining the experimental and control class.

2)      Giving pre-test for both two classes. The purpose is to gain the information of     students’ initial condition

3)      Analyzing the pre-test result.

4)    Conducting the research to experimental class by implementing Bloodventure   Game and Power point to the control class in learning circulatory system.

5)     Giving post-test for both two classes. The purpose is to gain the information of   students’ enhancement in critical thinking skills.

6)    Giving questionnaire to know students’ Motivation towards implementation of  Bloodventure Game in learning Circulatory System.


c)      Completion Stage

This stage is the last procedure in conducting the research, the steps to be followed in this completion stage are:

1)        Analyzing the results of the whole report.

2)        Arranging the analysis of report.

3)        Arranging the report of the research.

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