
Materi Bahasa Inggris Dasar "Introduce ourselves and Introducing other People" - Kusniar Notes

 Materi Bahasa Inggris Dasar "Introduce ourselves and Introducing other People" - Kusniar Notes

Apa yang Kalian lakukan perama kali saat bertemu dengan orang lain? tentu saja pasti kalian akan memperkenalkan diri. karena kalau tidak kenal maka tidak sayang. Dalam semua Bahasa, ungkapan perkenalan diri sangatlah penting. karena dengan hal tersebut kita bisa mengenal orang lain dengan baik. Adapun istilah perkenalan diri dalam bahasa inggris adalah sebagai berikut

1. Saying Hay or Hello and Greeting!

Yusman : Hi, I,m Yusman

Nita : Nice to meet you! I'm Nita

Yusman : How are you?

Nita : I'm Fine, and you?

Hi dan Hello biasanya diikuti dengan phrase seperti "How are you?" atau "How are things?". dijawab dengan menggunakan Phrase seperti "Fine" dan kemudian bertanya kembali dengan jenis pertamaan yang sama.

Ingat: Penggunaan "Hello" untuk situasi formal dan "Hi" situasi formal 

Dalam situasi yang formal, kita juga dapat mengatakan: 

    > Good Morning (dari pagi atau terbit fajar sampai makan siang atau sebelum lohor)

    > Good Afternoon (dari siang  setelah lohor sampai awal petang jam 6 sore)

    > Good Evening (di gunakan saat malam dan bertemu atau menyapa orang lain di saat malam hari)

    > Good Night (digunakan saat malam  hendak berpisah dengan kerabat dan beristirahat untuk tidur)

Contoh Kalimat

Carla : Good Morning. I'm Carlotte Carla

David : Pleased to meet you. I'm David John

Carla : Nice to meet you

David : Nice To meet you too

2. Introducing Yourself

Di bawah ini merupakan beberapa phrase yang dapat digunakan dalam memperkenalkan diri sendiri kepada orang lain.

    > "I'm ..." (Your first name/ first name + surename)

    > "My name is ..." (Your first name/ first name + surename)

Contoh Kalimat

Sindi: Hi I'm sindi lestari

Kusaeri: Pleased to meet yo. I'm Kusaeri

Alfi : Good morning! My name is Alfi Salikha

Fauziah : Good Morning! My name is Fauziah nur saadah

3. Introducing Other people

Untuk memperkenalkan orang lain kita dapat menggunakan kata-kata sebagai berikut:

    "This is  ... (name your friend) setelah itu kamu menjelaskan informasi mengenai orang tersebut.

    "He's my friend"

    "She's a colleague"

    "This is Lina Cristina"

Contoh kalimatnya

Bondan: Siti, this is Paul. He's a friend of mne

Siti: Hi Paul. Nice to meet you

Paul: "Nice to meet you Siti

3. Asking Name, Address, and Phone Number

Karim: Excuse me, What is your name?

Saadah : Siti Saadah

Karim : What is your address?

Saadah : 111 Bantarkalong street, Warung kiara, Sukabumi region

Karim : And what is your phone number?

Saadah : It is 666-5251

Karim : Thank you very much

Saadah : Your welcome 

English Version

Basic English Material "Introduce Yourself and Introduce Others" - Kusniar Notes

What do you do when you meet other people? of course you will definitely introduce yourself. because if you don't know then don't love In all languages, self-introductory expressions are very important. because with this we can get to know other people well. The terms of self introduction in English are as follows

1. Say Hay or Hello and Greetings!

Yusman: Hi, I am Yusman

Nita: Nice to meet you! I'm Nita

Yusman: How are you?

Nita: I'm fine, and you?

Hi and Hello are usually followed by phrases like "How are you?" or "How's it going?". answered using a Phrase like "Fine" and then asked again with the same first type.

Remember: Use "Hello" for formal situations and "Hi" for formal situations

In formal situations, we can also say:

> Good Morning (from morning or dawn until lunch or before lohor)

> Good Afternoon (from noon after the week until early evening at 6pm)

> Good Good Evening (used at night and meet or greet other people)

> Good Night (used at night or resting with relatives and resting sleep)

Example of sentences

Carla: Good Morning. I'm Carlotte Carla

David: Nice to meet you. I'm David John

Carla: Nice to meet you

David: Nice to meet you too

2. Introducing Yourself

Below are a few phrases that you can use to introduce yourself to others.

> "I ..." (First name / first name + your last name)

> "My name is ..." (First name / first name + your last name)

Example of sentences

Sindi: Hi, I'm sindi lestari

Kusaeri: Nice to meet yo. I'm Kusaeri

Alfi: Good morning! My name is Alfi Salikha

Fauziah: Good Morning! My name is Fauziah nur saadah

3. Introducing Others

To introduce others we can use the following words:

"Here ... (name your friend) after that you explain the information about that person.

"He is my friend"

"He's a colleague"

"This is Lina Cristina"

Example sentences

Bondan: Siti, this is Paul. She is mne's friend

Siti: Hi Paul. Nice to meet you

Paul: "Nice to meet you Siti

3. Asking for Name, Address and Telephone Number

Karim: Excuse me, what's your name?

Saadah: Siti Saadah

Karim: What is your address?

Saadah: 111 Jalan Bantarkalong, Warung Kiara, Sukabumi area

Karim: And what is your phone number?

Saadah: It's 666-5251

Karim: Thank you very much

Saadah: Welcome


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