
Table of Content Representation - Midterm of School Science 1 - By Hengky Kusniar


 Assalamualaikum wr wb. Selamat datang di blog "CATATAN KUSNIAR" para Mahasiswa International Program on Science Education atau biasa disingkat IPSE. Di blog ini inshallah akan memfasilitasi kawan-kawan Mahasiswa dalam mencari referensi tugas, Materi dan Soal Selama berkuliah di Jurusan IPSE. Dan pada Postingan kali ini, saya merangkum kumpulan materi, soal, dan tugas School Science 1 di semester 6. untuk Mata kuliah yang akan ditampilkan dipostingan ini adalah Assesment in Science Education. Semoga bisa bermanfaat bagi kawan-kawan Mahasiswa semua ya. Jangan Lupa juga untuk klik iklan apabila postingan ini berguna. terima kasih. Untuk menampilkan halaman lebih jelas silahkan ubah posisi hp kalian ke bentuk landscape. Untuk mendownload Filenya silahkan klik pada judul topiknya.

Name: Hengky Kusniar

Student Id: 1601032


A.      Big Ideas

1.       Atom and Molecules are the Smallest bits of Substances

2.       Moving Object has momentum and affected by the forces

3.       The two Types of plant vascular tissues are xylem and phloem


B.      Big Idea’s content Representatives

Table 1. 1st Big Ideas Content Representative



Big Idea: Atom and Molecules are the Smallest bits of Substances




What do you intend the students to learn about this idea?


     1.       Atom

     a.       Definition of Atom

Atoms are the basic units of matter and the defining structure of elements.


     b.      Models of Atoms

     -          Dalton’s Models of The Atom

     -          Thomson's model of the atom

     -          Rutherford's model of the atom

     -          Bohr's model of the atom

     -          Henry Moseley model of the Atom

     -          James Chadwick model of the Atom

     -          Albert Einstein model of the Atom


     c.       Part of Atoms

There are three sub-atomic particles inside atoms which are protons, neutrons and electrons.



     2.       Molecules

     a.       Definition of Molecules

A group of two or more atoms that form the smallest identifiable unit into which a pure substance can be divided and still retain the composition and chemical properties of that substance.


      b.      The Properties of Molecule

When atoms join other atoms to form molecules, the chemical and physical properties of the compounds are different from those of the elements from which they were formed. These include such things as color, hardness, conductivity, state (solid, liquid, gas)




Why is it important for students to know this?

By learning this concept, the student will know the basic knowledge about what the things around us made from.



What else do you know about this idea that you do not intend the students to know yet?

     ·         Electrons excitation

Electron excitation is the transfer of a bound electron to a more energetic, but still bound state. Where the electron receives energy from another, energetic electron.




Difficulties/limitations connected with teaching this idea

It is hard to show the real microscopic of the Atom and Molecules in the Nature


Knowledge about the students’ thinking which influences this idea

Commonly, student think that atom just have the circle shape and have a color



Other factors that influences your teaching of this idea

There is an advertisement about the Atom Beans Garuda that the food like atoms and have a circle shape



Teaching procedures (and particular reason for using these to engage with this idea)


     a.       Teacher Shows The video about the Atom Bean advertisement to trigger the Students thinking about the Atoms

     b.       Student discuss about the Atom and Molecules in a small group. The discussion is limited by the questions given by the teacher.

The questions:

1)      What the basic units of matter?

2)      What is the smallest particle in a chemical element or compound?

     c.       A  group present their discussion result in front of the class about the Atom and molecule

     d.       Student listens to the teacher clarification regarding the discussion that supported by the explanation about the Atom and Molecules

     e.       Student listen to the teacher’ explanation about the Atom and Molecules with the properties and models

     f.        Student makes Resume individually that entailed the Atom and Molecules with the properties and models




Specific way of ascertaining students’ understanding or confusion around this idea

Teacher can ascertain student’s understanding through the Resume made by the student at the end of learning session that entailed the Atom and Molecules with the properties and models




The use technology in teaching the media


The video of Atom Bean advertisement



How to compensate the absence of technology


The Pictures about Atom and Molecules with the properties and models







Table 2. 2nd Big Ideas Content Representative



Big Idea:  Moving Object has momentum and affected by the forces




What do you intend the students to learn about this idea?

     a.       Definition of Momentum

Momentum is a useful quantity to consider when bodies are involved in collisions and explosions. It is defined as the mass of the body multiplied by its velocity and is measured in kilogram meter per second (kg m/s) or newton second (N s).


     b.       Definition of Collision

A collision is the event in which two or more bodies exert forces on each other in about a relatively short time.


     c.       Definition of Explosion

Since total system momentum is conserved in an explosion occurring in an isolated system


     d.      Definition of Force

A force is any interaction that, when unopposed, will change the motion of an object. A force can cause an object with mass to change its velocity




Why is it important for students to know this?

By learning this concept, the student will know the Activity of human doing in daily life is relate with Science. We always move and it can create the momentum that relate to the science especially for physics. For example



What else do you know about this idea that you do not intend the students to know yet?

momentum and affected by the forces with The vector


Difficulties/limitations connected with teaching this idea

It is hard to Show the Collision and explosion of atom in a real


Knowledge about the students’ thinking which influences this idea

Commonly, student think that the Momentum is always relate with the Newton’s Law



Other factors that influences your teaching of this idea

momentum of awakening is the sentences that usually said in the Daily Activity or Film


Teaching procedures (and particular reason for using these to engage with this idea )

     a.       Teacher Shows The video about the momentum and affected by the forces

     b.       Student discuss about the Atom and Molecules in a small group.

     c.       A  group present their discussion result in front of the class about the momentum and affected by the forces

     d.       Student listens to the teacher clarification regarding the discussion that supported by the explanation about momentum and affected by the forces

     e.       Student listen to the teacher’ explanation about the momentum and affected by the forces

     f.        Student makes Project individually that is making poster About momentum and affected by the forces



Specific way of ascertaining students’ understanding or confusion around this idea

Teacher can ascertain student’s understanding through the Poster made by the student at the end of learning session about momentum and affected by the forces





The use technology in teaching the media


The video of Atom about momentum and affected by the forces




How to compensate the absence of technology


The Pictures about momentum and affected by the forces







Table 3. 3rd Big Ideas Content Representative



Big Idea: The two Types of plant vascular tissues are xylem and phloem



What do you intend  the students to learn about this idea? 

     a.       Definition Of  Xylem

Plant vascular tissue that conveys water and dissolved minerals from the roots to the rest of the plant and also provides physical support.


     b.      Types of Xylem

The two types of xylem, primary and secondary, perform the same function but are categorized by the type of growth that they are formed with.


     c.       Structure Of Xylem

Xylem is made up of several types of cells. Tracheid are long cells that help transport xylem sap and also provide structural support. Vessel elements are shorter than tracheid, but also help conduct water. They are found in flowering plants, but not in gymnosperms like pine trees. Vessel elements have perforation plates that connect each vessel element to form one continuous vessel. Xylem also contains parenchyma, a tissue that makes up most of the soft parts of plants, and long fibers that help support the plant. In a cross section of a plant, under a microscope, xylem appears star-shaped.


     d.      Definition of Phloem

Tissues in plants that conduct foods made in the leaves to all other parts of the plant.


     e.       Structure of Phloem

The structure of the phloem is made up of several components. Each of the components work together to facilitate the conduction of sugars and amino acids, from a source, to sink tissues where they are consumed or stored.

     -          The Sieve Elements

     -          Sieve Plates

     -          The Companion Cells

     -          Parenchyma

     -          Sclerenchyma





Why is it important for students to know this?

By learning this concept, the student will know the Plant is same with other living thing like Animals and human, because Plants need food and nutrients and there are process of it that called Plant Transportation with the xylem and Phloem as  important things needed for it process



What else do you know about this idea that you do not intend the students to know yet?

     -  Apoplast and Symplast Transportation of Plant

Apoplast is the space outside the plasma membrane within which material can diffuse freely. It is interrupted by the Casparian Strip in roots, by air spaces between plant cells and by the plant cuticle.

 - Symplast

A plant is the inner side of theplasma membrane in which water and low-molecular-weight solutes can freely diffuse. Symplast cells have more than one nucleus


Difficulties/limitations connected with teaching this idea

The student cannot visualize by their own eyes the process of Xylem and Phloem Transportation



Knowledge about the students’ thinking which influences this idea

Students might assume that Plant Transportation is doesn’t exist because their only often learning about photosynthesis and not about how its Transportation


Other factors that influences your teaching of this idea

Commonly, student think that Transportation happen in the human and animals




Teaching procedures (and particular reason for using these to engage with this idea) 

      a. Teacher shows the video about Transportation of Plant  that can trigger Student.

      b.  Students divide into five Groups to Conduct The Experiments about What Factors that influence of Plant Transportation

      c. The Teacher give the Worksheet to the Student

      d.  The Students Conducting the Experiments about What Factors that influence of Plant Transportation

      e.  Students giving time to discuss the result of Experiment

      f.  Each Group Present Their Result Of Experiment

      g.  Student listens to the teacher clarification regarding the Result Of Experiments and students Discussion


Specific way of ascertaining students’ understanding or confusion around this idea


Teacher can ascertain student’s understanding through the Performance Test


The use technology in teaching the media

Use the video about Plant Transportation




How to compensate the absence of technology


         - The Pictures about Plant Transportation

         - Use Simulation to describe the process of Plant Transportation




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