
The Example of Lesson Plan - By Hengky Kusniar







Subject: Biology

Topic: Excretory system



Sub Topics

Excretory system in Invertebrate

Excretory system in vertebrate

Excretory system in human

Disease in Excretory system

How do you want to teach the Topic

Lecturing, conduct the games, Question and answer

Observation for the excretory organ in animal based on phylum

Conduct the experiment and question session

Lecturing, question and answer

What are the difficulty that may face by your students in learning the topic?

the limitation of student knowledge to thinking about invertebrates animal and the excretory system

A lot of phylum in the vertebrate animal with the organ and excretory system itself.

The complex material about  organ and the process of excretory system in the human

the material of disease can make students feel repugnant and not interest in the learning

What misconception that may occur in teaching the topic

Knowledge about The excretory organ in the invertebrate  animal

About determine the Organ of excretory animal based on phylum

The student confuse to comprehend the material because the system and organ is complex

The student thinking that all of the disease is very dangerous and there is no handling

What should you do to minimize the misconception

Conduct the games to make a student fun in the learning and can understand the concept well

Observing the excretory organ of Phylum Animal use the example of anatomy of excretory Animal

Conduct the experiment to make student can observe and understand with the experiment object

Make the student interest with the animation video

What media will you use to teach it

Video for lecturing and worksheet for the games

Animal morphology example object, Picture, and video

Worksheet for the lab activity

Animation Video about Case in the disease of excretory system and how it very dangerous for life

How will you asses/evaluate

Conduct the quiz after learning process

Give the test for the students (matching test with the pictures)

Experiment reports and test

Posttest and assignment


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