
Redox Titration Practical Report - College Assignment by Hengky Kusniar


Principle of Redox Titration

    The qualitative analysis of substances can be done by using a titration technique. Titration is a method for determining the level of a substance by using another substance already known to its concentration. Titration is also known as volumetric analysis, in which the substance to be analyzed is allowed to react with other substances whose concentration is known and flowed from the burette in solution form. Titration is differentiated by the type of reaction involved in the titration process. Titration is divided into 4, namely: acid base titration, redox titration, complexity titration and sedimentation titration.

    In this paper will be focused oh redox titration. Redox titration is an analytical method based on the occurrence of a reduction oxidation reaction between the analyte and the titrant. Analytes containing reductor species are titrated with titrant in the form of standard solutions of the oxidizer or conversly. The concept of redox reactions is the concept of oxidation-reduction reactions based on their changing oxidation number (involving electron catch and release). The substance that oxidised is known as reducing agent. On the contrary, the substance that reduces is known as an oxidising agent in the redox reaction. We can easily understand the redox reaction with the help of electron concept. A substance which accepts electrons to form anion show reduction reaction and vice-versa. During a redox reaction, we can check the change in the oxidation number of substances. In an oxidation reaction, the oxidation number increases whereas in a reduction reaction, the oxidation number reduces. There are two ways to equalize the equations of redox reactions namely the method of oxidation number and the half-reaction method (electron ion method) Redox reactions can be used in volumetric analysis when eligible.

    Redox reaction is a combination of two reactions; reduction and oxidation. The old definition of reduction is the removal of oxygen from a compound and oxidation is the combination of a substance with oxygen. But we can just focus on the current definition which says that reduction is a process of a substance accepting electrons to form anion, and oxidation is a process of a substance losing electrons. In redox reaction, each oxidation and reduction reaction is called half reaction.

·         Example for oxidation

The positive charge represents electron deficiency, one positive charge means deficient by one electron.

·         Example for reduction

The negative charge represents electron richness, one negative charge means rich by one electron.

In a reaction, if there is an atom undergoing oxidation, there is probably another atom undergoing reduction. When there is an atom that donates electrons, there is always an atom that electrons. Electron transfer happens from one atom to another. To keep track of electron transfer in redox reaction, we use oxidation number or oxidation state (OS). There are some rules for assigning OS:

1.      The sum of the oxidation numbers of all the atoms in a molecule or ion must be equal in sign and value to the charge on the molecule or iron.

2.      In binary compounds (those consisting of only two different elements), the element with greater electronegativity is assigned a negative OS equal to its charge as a simple monoatomic ion.

3.      When it is bonded directly to a non-metal atom, the hydrogen atom has an OS of +1. (When bonded to a metal atom, hydrogen has an OS of -1.)

4.      Except for substances termed peroxides or superoxides, the OS of oxygen in its compounds  is -2. In peroxides, oxygen has an oxidation number of -1, and in superoxides, it has an OS of -1/2.

Reaction of Redox Titration

Determine which element is oxidized and which element is reduced in the following reactions (be sure to include the oxidation state of each): 

  1. Zn + 2H+ → Zn2+ + H2
  2. 2Al + 3Cu2+→2Al3+ +3Cu
  3. CO32- + 2H+→ CO2 + H2O


  1. Zn is oxidized (Oxidation number: 0 → +2); H+ is reduced (Oxidation number: +1 → 0)
  2. Al is oxidized (Oxidation number: 0 → +3); Cu2+ is reduced (+2 → 0)
  3. This is not a redox reaction because each element has the same oxidation number in both reactants and products: O= -2, H= +1, C= +4.

(For further discussion, see the article on oxidation numbers).

An atom is oxidized if its oxidation number increases, the reducing agent, and an atom is reduced if its oxidation number decreases, the oxidizing agent. The atom that is oxidized is the reducing agent, and the atom that is reduced is the oxidizing agent. (Note: the oxidizing and reducing agents can be the same element or compound).

Steps and Example of Redox Titration

A.    Examples of Analytical Reduction and Oxidation

A 25.00-mL sample of a liquid bleach was diluted to 1000 mL in a volumetric flask. A 25-mL portion of the diluted sample was transferred by pipet into an Erlenmeyer flask containing an excess of KI, reducing the OCl to Cl, and producing I3. The liberated I3 was determined by titrating with 0.09892 M Na2S2O3, requiring 8.96 mL to reach the starch indicator end point. Report the %w/v NaOCl in the sample of bleach.

B.     Steps of Analytical Reduction and Oxidation reaction

To determine the stoichiometry between the analyte, NaOCl, and the titrant, Na2S2O3, we need to consider both the reaction between OCl and I, and the titration of I3 with Na2S2O3.

·         First, in reducing OCl to Cl, the oxidation state of chlorine changes from +1 to –1, requiring two electrons. The oxidation of three I to form I3 releases two electrons as the oxidation state of each iodine changes from –1 in I to –⅓ in I3. A conservation of electrons, therefore, requires that each mole of OCl produces one mole of I3.

·         Second, in the titration reaction, I3. is reduced to I and S2O32– is oxidized to S4O62–. Reducing I3 to 3I requires two elections as each iodine changes from an oxidation state of –⅓ to –1. In oxidizing S2O32– to S4O62–, each sulfur changes its oxidation state from +2 to +2.5, releasing one electron for each S2O32–. A conservation of electrons, therefore, requires that each mole of I3 reacts with two moles of S2O32–.

·         Finally, because each mole of OCl produces one mole of I3, and each mole of I3 reacts with two moles of S2O32–, we know that every mole of NaOCl in the sample ultimately results in the consumption of two moles of Na2S2O3.

The balanced reactions for this analysis are:


I3- (aq)+2S2O32− (aq)→S4O62− (aq)+3I(aq)


The moles of Na2S2O3 used in reaching the titration’s end point is:


which means the sample contains:


Na2S2O3×74.44gNaOCl = 0.03299gNaOCl

        mol NaOCl


Thus, the %w/v NaOCl in the diluted sample is:

0.03299gNaOCl ×100  =1.32%w/vNaOCl


Because the bleach was diluted by a factor of 40 (25 mL to 1000 mL), the concentration of NaOCl in the bleach is 5.28% (w/v).



-          Auroracahya. June 12, 2012. Titrasi Redoks. Retrivied from https://auroracahya.wordpress.com/tag/titrasi-redoks/

-          “Redox Titration” (2016). Retrieved from http://chemistry.tutorvista.com/analytical-chemistry/redox-titration

-        Kiruthiga, B. “Redox Titration Oxidation-Reduction Titration” [PDF document]. Retrivied from http://www.srmuniv.ac.in/sites/default/files/downloads/Redox_Titration.pdf

       -    David harvey, Feb 25 2017.Redox titrations. Retrieved from

       -    https://chem.libretexts.org/Textbook_Maps/Analytical_Chemistry_Textbook_Maps/

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