
Sport and Physical Education Paper - IPSE FPMIPA Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia



1.     Why do we have to exercise or do sport?

Man is a creature of God who has a natural nature that is moving. All the activities that we do is nothing else and not because our body is able to move. Not even in performing everyday activities but. Moving also able to make our body become healthier. One of the moving activities that can make our body become healthy is sport.

According Suryanto Rukmono, S. Si Sport is an activity to train our body to feel healthy and strong, both physically and spiritually. While According to Cholik Mutohir Sport is a systematic process in the form of all activities or businesses that can encourage develop, and foster the physical and spiritual potential of a person as an individual or a member of society in the form of games, match, and peak performance in the formation of humans who have a complete Ideology and quality.

We can conclude that sport is not solely doing ordinary activities. But an activity in the form of games, martial arts, and other special movements to make our bodies healthy outwardly and inwardly. In addition sports are also able to balance our brains. Because in doing sports we will feel fresh and not burdened with problems. Like the opinion put forward by Jessica Dolland is Sports is a very good stress reliever. Exercise can divert the mind from worries by easing muscle tension.

Sport is able to build a sporty competition. Because in sports there is a competition where we try to become number 1. Seno Gumira Ajidarma argued that Sports is a means of competition to become number one. Of course it is a good thing to cultivate a sense of solidarity between fellow sports fans.

2.      How to exercise

Exercise is an essential part of staying healthy that, when done regularly, can make you stronger, improve your mood, and lengthen your life. Whether you plan to exercise at home, outside, or in a gym, knowing the basics will make the whole process go more smoothly.

These are the step on how to do the exercise correctly:

·         Preparation And Warms Up 

We must to wear clothes that will not restrict your movements or blood flow. Don’t wear clothes which are too tight, especially around your joints. You will also want to wear clothing which is made of a material which breathes well, since you will sweat when doing many forms of exercise. Clothes specifically designed for exercise can easily be found.

Besides that we must wear the right shoes. Just because we call them tennis shoes does not mean they are great athletic shoes. Shoes like Converse have little shock absorbency and can be terrible for your feet and bones. Get shoes which fit comfortably and are designed for the type of activity that you intend to do.

Drink lots of water before you exercise. Your body will need the water to help your muscles work and also to help you sweat. If you’re dehydrated before you start, just think about how you’ll feel afterwards

Do warm up exercises. Though researchers cannot agree definitively on whether or not warm ups help you to perform better in exercises, they all agree that warming up certainly won’t hurt. Warm up before exercising by doing a less intense version of your intended workout for 5-10 minutes. If you plan to run, jog first. If you intend to swim, swim slowly.

·         Aerobic exercise

Aerobic exercise is sometimes known as "cardio" exercise that requires pumping of oxygenated blood by the heart to deliver oxygen to working muscles. Aerobic exercise stimulates the heart rate and breathing rate to increase in a way that can be sustained for the exercise session. In contrast, anaerobic ("without oxygen") exercise is activity that causes you to be quickly out of breath, like sprinting or lifting a heavy weight. Aerobic exercises can become anaerobic exercises if performed at a level of intensity that is too high. Aerobic exercise not only improves fitness; it also has known benefits for both physical and emotional health.

Examples of aerobic exercises include cardio machines, spinning, running, swimming, walking, hiking, and aerobics classes, dancing, cross country skiing, and kickboxing. There are many other types.

·         Anaerobic exercise

Anaerobic exercise is a physical exercise intense enough to cause lactate to form. It is used by athletes in non-endurance sports to promote strength, speed and power and by body builders to build muscle mass. Muscle energy systems trained using anaerobic exercise develop differently compared to aerobic exercise, leading to greater performance in short duration, high intensity activities, which last from mere seconds to up to about 2 minutes. Any activity lasting longer than about two minutes has a large aerobic metabolic component. Examples of anaerobic exercises include Run, Lifts weights, push up, try squats, and do burpees.

·         Balance Exercise

Try T’ai chi. T’ai chi is a Chinese martial art, the forms of which are done in sequences of slow movements. Doing t’ai chi will allow you to build better balance but it can also be very relaxing. Find a local group to practice with or take a class from a local gym or community center. You can also find lessons online or DVDs which will allow you to practice at home.

Do weight shifts. Weight shifts are a great starting balancing exercise. These are done by standing with both feet on the ground, hip width apart. Next, shift all of your weight onto one leg and lift the other slightly off of the floor. Hold the position, trying to maintain good form, for 30 seconds. Do the other leg. Repeat as much as you want.

·         Flexibility Exercise

Try to single-leg balance. These are done same as the above, with the exception that the lifted leg is bent backwards at the knee. This will work on your front-to-back balance, whereas the previous one focuses more on side-to-side. Both should be used in conjunction.

·         Core Muscle Exercise

Core workouts develop the muscles around your abdomen. This has many benefits. With a stronger core, you will be less prone to back pain and injury and you will also be able to improve bad posture. Paired with weight loss, strong core muscles will also give you defined abs. and these are several examples of core muscle exercise: sit-ups, planks, crunches and bridges.

3.     Some specific benefits for you

Physical exercise is good for the mind, body and spirit. Team sports help teach adolescents accountability, dedication, leadership and other skills.

·         Physical health benefits of sports

Clearly, sports can help you reach your fitness goals and maintain a healthy weight. However, they also encourage healthy decision-making such as not smoking and not drinking. Sports also have hidden health benefits such as lowering the chance of osteoporosis or breast cancer later in life.

·         Sports teach teamwork and problem-solving skills

Fighting for a common goal with a group of players and coaches teaches you how to build teamwork and effectively communicate to solve problems. This experience is helpful when encountering problems at work or at home.

·         Many athletics do better academically

Playing a sport requires a lot of time and energy. Some people may think this would distract student-athletes from schoolwork. However, the opposite is true. Sports require memorization, repetition and learning — skillsets that are directly relevant to class work. Also, the determination and goal-setting skills a sport requires can be transferred to the classroom.

·         Sports boost self-esteem

Watching your hard work pay off and achieving your goals develops self-confidence. Achieving a sport or fitness goal encourages you to achieve other goals you set. This is a rewarding and exciting learning process.

·         Reduce Pressure and stress with sports

Exercising is a natural way to loosen up and let go of stress. You can also make new friends who can be there for you as a support system. When you feel under pressure or stressed, call up a teammate, head to the gym to talk and play it out.

4.     What are you going to help you exercise

After knowing that the benefits of the exercise for our body, it makes me realized that sport and do exercise is really important for our health, and our life. Since sport has brought so much advantages if you do it well.

• Do not make excuses for breaks. Your focus is to make sport a new habit

The most powerful way for exercise to be a habit is to never allow yourself to stop doing it. After starting the sport, do not look for reasons to rest for a few days. This may extend for several months.

• Do not set high targets but adjust to our capabilities

Promise yourself that you will exercise every day for a month, even if it's only 15-20 minutes. In this way, your exercise habits will be faster and easier to wake up.

• Make it Fun

If you do not enjoy running in the morning or nge-gym after work, you will hardly get used to sports. There are various activities and physical exercises that can make your body fit. Find the type of sport you really enjoy so you can be willing to do it regularly.

• Do not look for free time but make leisure time

Do not schedule the exercise in the middle of the day because you can just miss it because of the office and / or school affairs. Find a really free time so you can relax in sports. Example of the right time: very early in the morning before the move, or late afternoon after work. 

• Invite friends not to be bored alone

Invite friends to the sport also let the spirit. The presence of partner exercise will increase your commitment to exercise. You can bring your girlfriend or close friends to gym together, Muay Thai, or futsal

• Always remember when we last did sports

Put a X on a calendar on which day you exercise, gym or run. By marking the calendar you will see how often (or rarely) you squeeze a sweat. If it seems that the distance between X is a lot, you will be the spirit to redeem it on another day.


-          Biddle SJH, Fox KR, Boutcher SH (Eds). 2000. Physical Activity and Psychological Well-Being. New York: Routledge

-          Dolan, Michael. How to Exercise. Retrieved from https://www.wikihow.com/Exercise

-          Goodman LR, Warren MP. 2005. The female athlete and menstrual function. Obstetrics and Gynecology 17(5):466-470)

-          https://www.hipwee.com/tips/kembali-fit-setelah-berbulan-bulan-berhenti-olahraga/

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