
Midterm Landasan Pendidikan IPSE FPMIPA Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


                                                                                LANDASAN PENDIDIKAN


1)   Write down your name completely!

2)   Answer all the questions below!

3)   Do Not to Copy Paste, Copy Shake Paste, or plagiarism. If there are same sentences in your answer with your friends, you`ll be considered not taking midterm exam.

4)   The sources citation are better from books, journals or scientific articles.

5)   Do your best! Deadline of soft file collected on Tuesday, Oct.31st 2017 at 01.00 am by email abubakarditruna@upi.edu and ichbinmajid2@gmail.com, and hardcopy collected on Tuesday, Oct 31st 2017 at 01.00 pm to Mr. Abdul.


1. Education is considered as basic human right and every citizen has opportunity to get access for education, “No man left behind or education for all”. The government administered education under ministry of education cooperated with district for developing human resources.

a. What is definition of education by expert, how the education process applied in human character not animal side. Refer to 5 expert and make a conclusion by yourself

    Education is an experience with that experience, a person or group of people can understand                  something before they do not understand. The experience happens because there is interaction                 between a person and a group with the environment. The interaction leads to a process of learning          change in humans and then the process of change that results in the development of a person's                  life or group within his environment.

    From some understanding of education according to the expert it can be concluded that Education           is Guidance or help provided by adults to the development of children to achieve maturity with              the aim that children are competent enough to carry out their own life tasks not with the help of              others.

b. What the government‘s role in administering education for citizens?

Human needs education for life. Education is an effort so that human beings can develop their own potential through learning process or other way known and recognized by the public. Education is one tool to change human character. With education, human can know everything that is not or not known before.

Every human being has the ability to improve their own education. Will that not be enough to meet all the criteria of good education, Therefore the Government is very important to help the education process.

The government seeks and organizes a national education system increase faith and piety and noble character in order to educate national life regulated by law (National Education System). This matte affirming that the government is obliged and responsible to organize as well seeks an education for every citizen in order to educate life of the nation which is one of the goals of the state of Indonesia.

c. What the role of education administration and process for productive schools?

Educational administration is an overall process of joint activities in the field of education which includes planning, organizing, directing, reporting, coordinating, monitoring and financing, by using or utilizing the facilities available, personnel, material, and spiritual to achieve educational objectives effectively and efficiently. So, by paying more attention to the aspect of educational administration, it is hoped that the educational objectives or targets of educational programs can be achieved effectively and efficiently. Educational administration is also often called education management that is needed to ensure that all educational activities can be implemented optimally. Educational administration has the following functions: Planning, Organizing, Coordinating, Communication, Supervision, Personnel (Staffing), Financing (Budgeting), Evaluating (Evaluating).

In the administration of education contained elements, namely 1) Objectives to be achieved, 2) The existence of the process of joint activities, 3) The existence of resource utilization, 4) The existence of activities planning, organizing, mobilization, supervision of existing resources. the main elements of administration as described earlier, it is clear that the areas covered by the process of educational administration are broad. Detailed areas of educational administration are as follows:

a.       school governance Administration

b.      Student administration

c.       Supervision of teaching

d.      How to choose the location and determine the area of ​​land in need

2. Quality is every body’s business. Stakeholder in education (school) needs school output and outcome fit with their expectation (requirement).

a.       what education quality is and how implemented in schools

Quality improvement in education should not be seen as a "quick fix process". It is a long term effort which requires organizational change and restructuring. This means that many aspects relating to the quality of education, and a comprehensive view of the quality of education are important in mapping the condition of education as a whole, although on a practical level, the emphasis in looking at the quality may vary according to the purpose and purpose of a study or review

The quality of education is not something that happens by itself, it is the result of an educational process, if an educational process is running well, effectively and efficiently, then there is a great opportunity to get quality educational outcomes. The quality of education has a continuum from low to high so as to be a variable, in the context of education as a system, the variable of educational quality can be viewed as a dependent variable influenced by many factors such as leadership, organizational climate, teacher qualification, budget, adequacy of learning facilities and so on.

b.      What is education national standard, give explanation!

National Education Standards are the minimum criteria of the education system throughout the territory of the State of Indonesia. National Education Standards consist of: Graduate Competency Standards, Content Standards, Standard Process, Education Standards and Education Personnel, Standard of Facilities and Infrastructure, Management Standards, Education Financing Standards, and Educational Assessment Standards


c.       Is classroom management useful for lifting quality? Give your argument!

Quality learning is not only determined by curriculum updates, available facilities, sympathetic teacher personality, impressive learning, extensive knowledge of teachers' knowledge of all areas, but teachers must master classroom management tips.

Understanding these classroom management principles is important to master before special things are known. With the mastery of the principles of classroom management, these will be filter filters that eliminate common misconceptions of classroom management.

Classroom management can affect the level of quality of learning in the classroom because the classroom management will really manage the classroom ambience to the best possible so that students become comfortable and happy during the teaching and learning process. Therefore, the quality of student learning such as achievement of optimal results and basic competencies are expected to be achieved with a good and satisfactory. In addition, classroom management will also create and maintain a classroom atmosphere so that teaching activities can take place effectively and efficiently.

In addition, with classroom management, the level of material absorption that has been taught by the teacher will be more imprinting on the students' memory because of the strengthening given by the teacher during the teaching and learning process.


3. School may be shut down when there are no student enrolled in there. But school can still be operated when there are no teacher and peer learning/teaching model.

a.       Are you agree with statement above and give argument?

I disagree with the argument. Because besides having to have students in the school class should also have a teacher and learning methods are good and adequate. Because if teachers and learning methods do not meet the criteria for achieving school goals and do not assist in student development then the same school fails. So all aspects such as students, teachers and peer learning / teaching models are needed to establish a school

b.      What is student management and how the process is applied.

A service that focuses on the setting up, supervision and service of students in the classroom and beyond the classroom such as: introduction, registration, individual services such as the development of the overall skills, interests, needs until it matures in school.

And how the process is running that is with the existence of a program that supports students to develop themselves for the better. Such as additional learning activities in schools and extracurricular programs.

4. Leadership is universal, everybody is a leader and everyone need good leader. Meanwhile bad school leader can influence the school performance at all. a) what is Good leadership and how implemented in school, b) What type of leadership, and what is consideration for applying effective leadership, c) Give your argument about “School is the images of its leader”

a.       Leadership is one's ability to influence people to work goal. Leadership is the process of influencing, giving examples, as well as member motivation to others, so as to achieve organizational goals and bring benefits to human welfare. Leadership is an important factor in an organization, the main task of a leader in carrying out his leadership is not only limited to his ability in implementing programs only, but more than that the leader must be able involve all layers of organization, members or community to take an active role so that they able to make a positive contribution in the effort to achieve the goal.

Leadership can also be something that can be learned so that it can be done spontaneously and automatically over time. Leaders or managers for example can immediately make some important decisions about a problem, while others are still in the process of analyzing the problem.

b.      In my opinion a good leadership style for a leader or manager is a Democratic leader.

Because a Democratic leader represents his leadership as an indicator, and the relationship of a manager with his subordinates is not as an employer to his helper, but as an elder brother among his co-workers. Democratic leaders always try to stimulate their subordinates to work cooperatively to achieve common goals. In his actions and endeavors, always stem from the interests and needs of his group, and consider the capabilities and capabilities of his group. The type of this leadership puts people as the main and most important factor in the organization.

And in carrying out its duties democratic leaders or managers are willing to accept even the opinions and suggestions of their subordinates, as well as constructive criticisms of subordinates who accepted feedback and be taken into consideration in subsequent actions. In addition, democratic leaders always try to display an atmosphere of sense of kinship and unity, always trying to build the spirit of his subordinates in running and developing the work power.

c. School is a very important intention. Of course the School is a leadership partner that is able to affect, help, and improve every aspect of it. Have vision and mission to be achieved and good or bad school determined by all involved in school intantion.

5.  Give your argument about:

a.       School which is qualified and its indicators;

School eligible indicators are one of the hallmarks of school management. With the fulfillment of all indicators the school will be successful because it runs with the vision and mission that has been designed.

b.      Teacher who is qualified and its indicators; and

Teachers as educators who deal directly with learners should have special skills or special qualifications in the academic field. With the competence of the teacher can perform the task well to educate the students. Terms of teachers in the Law states mentioned there are five conditions that must be owned by teachers. Terms of which have academic qualifications, have competence, have a certificate of educator as well as physically and mentally healthy and have the ability to realize the goals of national education. The five requirements must be owned by all teachers in Indonesia.

c.       Learning Process that is able to develop the characters of learners.

      The learning process can develop the character of each student. Because in the learning process there are values ​​delivered by the teacher. Not only academic but also about behavior. Each teacher is able to teach the good character he has to his students from every learning process.

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