
Effective Lessons - IPSE FPMIPA Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Assignment



Good lesson planning is essential to the process of teaching and learning. And effective lesson is identically aimed to teacher or it can be named as effective lesson plan. A teacher who is prepared is well on his/her way to a successful instructional experience. The development of interesting lessons would take a great deal of time and effort. Every effective lesson plan comes from an effective teacher. An effective teacher:

 1. Knows very well the content of subject,

 2. Relates a suitable learning environment,

3. Adapts and modifies instruction,

4. Understands the development of the students,

 5. Uses effective communication,

 6. Values student diversity within the class,

  7. Collaborates with all members of the learning community,

8. Plans strategic lessons using research-based practices,

9. Uses multiple assessments to evaluate progress,

10. Uses direct instruction.

The best teachers can captivate their students’ attention day in and day out. Their students not only enjoy being in their class, but they look forward to the next day’s lesson because they want to see what is going to happen. A great lesson engages every student, ensures that every student is meeting the learning objectives, and motivates even the most reluctant learner,

A great lesson is:

1.      Well planned

-          Planning starts with a simple idea and then slowly evolve into a tremendous lesson that will resonate with every student. Careful planning gives each lesson a better chance to be a hit, to captivate each student, and to provide your students with meaningful learning opportunities 

2.      Grabs students’ attention

-          The first few minutes of a lesson may be the most critical. Students will quickly decide whether or not they should devote their full attention to what is being taught. Every lesson should have a ‘hook’ or ‘attention grabber’ built into the first five minutes of the lesson.

3.      Maintains students’ attention

-          Lesson should be outrageous and unpredictable throughout captivating each student’s attention. They should be fast-paced, loaded with quality content, and also engaging. Teacher must be willing to be a salesman, comedian, content expert, and magician all rolled into one. 

4.      Builds on previously learned concepts

-          Each new lesson should be focused on extending learning from the previous day. By the end of the year, students should be able to make connections quickly as to how your first lesson ties into your last lesson.

5.      Content driven

-          It has to have a connected purpose, meaning that all aspects of the lesson are built around critical concepts that students at a particular age should be learning. Teacher should take a simple concept early in continuing to build upon it until it becomes something complex yet understood by their students because of the process.

6.      Establishes real life connections

-          The best teachers are those who can incorporate vivid stories that tie in key concepts within the lesson helping students to make connections to real life.

7.      Provides students with active learning opportunities.

-          Active learning is fun. Students not only have fun through hands-on learning, they often retain more information from this process.

8.      Builds critical thinking skills

-          Each lesson should have at least one critical thinking activity built into it forcing students to go beyond the typically straightforward answer. 

9.      Talked about and remembered.

-          Even it will take an extra force and time, it is worth it when your students consistently perform well and even more importantly express how much they learned by being in your class.

10.  Continuously tweaked

-          It is always evolving. Good teachers are never satisfied. They understand that everything can be improved. Teachers use feedback as a guide to what aspects should be tweaked and each year they make adjustments and then conduct the experiment (lesson) again. 

The Role Model!

            When I was in Senior High School, I had a chemistry teacher and she taught me chemistry for about three years respectively. And every time she came into the room, there was no a murmur, muttered complaints, or anything that indicated we (students) would be soon enough into a boring time like each time we started a lesson. It was different. We smiled and looked at her who smiled back to us while walking in the class. I will try to make the difference about this teacher with another teacher. Because she was special. First of all, she always let us be anywhere we wanted, as long as we didn’t get out the class. She didn’t use the rule about students should sit neatly on their chair. She let us if we wanted just sit on the floor or just changed places. And yes, it got the students more comfortable, so we could get along the lesson very well.

Second, she was nice. She was just like you will like her as soon as the minute you get into a conversation with her. She always begun the class with greetings and asked about how we were going. She even asked about our condition for that day. And she usually told us about a story and then, she would connect her story to the topic that we would be taught about. It got us the feeling not in a formal learning, but we were listening to a story. Really good story. And without realizing, she got us the understanding about the topic. Without any stressing and depressing.

Third, she would be a dream teacher for introverts or shy students. She would know if you didn’t understand yet or got confused, without you even asking. She could look into your eyes and knew it. And then, without really looked obvious, she would repeat what she said with some addition and another way to explain and she would look at you for bit longer for assuring that you understand.

Fourth, when it became an experiment, she would help anyone who needed her help without someone asking her to. And also, she would come to class and reminded us about the experiment the day after and the things we should bring. She was never be angry if anyone failed on a test. She even took time to privately teach the student. And those are four reasons why I choose her as my favourite teacher during my days in Senior High School.

N.M 19/04/17



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