
Accomodating Instruction To Meet Individual Needs - Guidance And Counselling Assignment of IPSE FPMIPA UPI




Accommodating instruction to student differences is one of the most fundamental problems of education and often leads to politically and emotionally charged policies. Many secondary schools allow students, in consultation with counsellor, to choose the level of each class, perhaps changing level if course turns out to be too difficult or too easy. These strategies, which result in students’ attending classes that are more or less homogeneous in performance level, are called between-class ability grouping. The one of method for accommodating instruction to meet individual needs is:

-          QAIT Model

Q stands for Quality of instruction

A stands for Appropriateness

I stands for Incentive

T stands for Time

Then, what are the elements of effective instruction beyond a good lesson? According to Carroll’s Model of school learning, time actually is spent on learning and time needed to learn. And in some cases, there are educational programs exist for students placed at risk, such as compensatory education programs, early intervention programs, and comprehensive school reform programs. Some ways of individualizing instruction are peer tutoring and adult training. And also it can be way of using technology in classroom, the application can be computer application on the topic and research on computer based instruction.


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