
Chemical Reaction Worksheet - IPSE FPMIPA Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia - Fundamental Chemistry


Chemical Reaction

Date                :

Purpose          :

                       1. To classify type of chemical reactions

                                        2. To identify chemical change characteristics

 Basic Theory :













Beaker glass

Test tube holder


Crucible tongs

Test tubes

Sand paper



Graduated cylinder



Rubber stopper

Glass tube



Zn, Cu, Mg wires                               

K2CrO4 solution

HCl solution                                       


Ca(OH)2 solution                               

Pb(NO3)2 solution

Procedure 1

- Scrub a piece of copper, and magnesium wire until they are shiny.

- Hold the copper wire using crucible tongs, place in the hottest part of a burner flame for 1-2 minutes.    Note the change and appearance caused by burning. ( Do the same procedure to the magnesium wire)

Procedure 2

        - Carefully pour 5 mL of 1 M HCl(aq) into a dry test tube. Add a small piece of zinc metal into                 the acid. Note the change and appearance.

        - Collect a quantity of gas resulted into a test tube containing water using one-hole rubber stopper and      glass tube. (Do the same procedure using Mg wire).

Procedure 3

         - Pour 2 mL of K2CrO4(aq) to a test tube and add about 10 drops of Pb(NO3)2(aq) to the test tube.             Observe and note what happens.

Procedure 4

        - Place 2 spatulas full of CuCO3 in a large test tube. Cover it using a one-hole rubber stopper. Insert the     glass tube into the stopper

        - Place  5 mL of limestone, Ca(OH)2 into a small test  tube. Cover it by a one-hole rubber stopper and     connect it to the test tube containing CuCO3.

         - Heat the test tube containing CuCO3. Note the change and appearance.




































Data Analysis and Discussion

       1.Write balanced equations

    2. Identify reactants and products of the reactions

    3. Determine chemical change characteristic

   4. Classify chemical reactions into combinationdisplacement, combustion and metathesis   reaction


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