


Experiment 1
Magnetism Experiment

Purpose: Investigating the magnetisation of iron and steel
Material used: the nails, the magnet, the steel chains

·       1.Pease describe the experiment procedure in a paragraph!
The materials that are used are prepared. The magnet is held, then the iron nails are put on one side of the magnet, 4 iron nails is used in this experiment. 4 steel paper clips are put on the other side of the magnet. Then, we can distinguished the characteristic of matter from this experiment.

·        2. Please describe the finding in a paragraph
From this experiment, we can prove that the magnetism in the iron is stronger than the steel. It is proved by the amount of iron nails that is attached to the magnet compare to the amount of the steel paper clips. 4 iron nails can attached to the magnet, on the other side there were only 3 steel paper clips that can attached. We have tried to remove the top of the iron nails, and the chains were not collapse, while the steel paper clips were collapse. It is because the magnetism induced in the iron is permanent.

Purpose: Detecting magnetic force
Material used: bar magnet, cork, bowl of water, magnetized steel needle or rod

·       Please describe the experiment procedure in a paragraph
The materials that will be used are prepared. First, the rod is wrapped around by copper wire, after that the rod is flowed by direct current to magnetize it, we used 2V in this experiment. A cube rod Styrofoam is stabbed in the rod to make it floated in the water. The storage is filled by water, a magnet rod is put on the top of the water storage. The rod is put under water, and observed the phenomenon that is happened.

·         Please describe the finding in a paragraph
From this experiment, we can prove that the magnet will always approach to the south side of the magnet. It is because the earth magnet will always shows the direction of south, that is why we can use magnet as a compass.

Purpose: Plotting lines of magnetic force using Plotting compass method
Material used: compass needle, plotting compass

Please describe the experiment procedure in a paragraph
Please attach a photograph of result
Please decribe the finding in a paragraph

A plotting compass is a small pivoted magnet in a glass case with non-magnetic metal walls.
Lay a bar magnet on a sheet of paper. Place the plotting compass at a point, near one pole of the magnet. Mark the position of the poles (n, s) of the compass by pencil dots B, A. Move the compass so that pole s is exactly over B, mark the new position of n by dot C. Continue this process until the other pole of the bar magnet is reached. Join the dots to give one line of force and show its direction by putting an arrow on it. Plot other lines by starting at different points round the magnet.

It’s proven that a magnetic field can be graphically represented by magnetic field lines which indicates it’s strength and direction. The series of dots obtained, are joined, thus give a magnetic field line which represents the direction of the magnetic flux. As we can see from our result the direction of the magnetic flux is from the North to the South.

Purpose: Plotting lines of magnetic force using Iron filings method
Material used: a sheet of paper, a bar magnet and sprinkle iron filings.
Question Why are they different? What combination of poles would give the observed patterns?

Please describe the experiment procedure in a paragraph
Please attach a photograph of result
Please decribe the finding in a paragraph

Place a sheet of paper on top of a bar magnet and sprinkle iron filings thinly and evenly on to the paper from a ‘pepper pot’. Tap the paper gently with a pencil and the filings should form patterns showing the lines of force. Each filing turns in the direction of the field when the paper is tapped.

Magnet attracts iron and the magnetism can act through many materials such as paper.  When iron filings are spread over the magnets, you can see the outline of the magnetic force or the magnetic field.
There are two poles in a magnet: a north pole (N) and a south pole (S).
Opposite poles attract. So when two magnets with opposite poles facing each other (e.g. one N and one S), magnetic forces appear between them. Iron filings are then aligned with the force field between the two magnets.
While, same poles repel. So when two magnets with the same poles facing each other (e.g. both are N), each magnet’s force field moves away from the other. Because iron filings are aligned with the force field, they move away from the middle between the two magnets when you gently shake the paper. That’s why it’s create different direction on the paper


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