
What is Democracy Pancasila? - Essay by Hengky Kusniar


Good morning everyone, how are you today? Thank God we are all in good health. Topic which I will explain today is Pancasila democracy. Indonesia is a democratic country and our state embrace Pancasila democracy. What's that Pancasila democracy? According to Prof. Dardji Darmadihardja, S.H. Pancasila Democracy is the idea of democracy which is based on the personality and philosophy of life of the Indonesian nation, which is manifested as the provisions of the 1945 Constitution. 

Prof. Dr. Drs. Notonegoro, SH said Pancasila democracy is a democracy led by the wisdom in consultative representative of a divine the Supreme, humane fair and civilized, which unite Indonesia, and social justice for all Indonesian people. From the statement of the above, it can be seen that essentially the Pancasila democracy a means or instrument for Indonesia to achieve state goals. The state's goal, as stated in the fourth paragraph of the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution, which is to protect the entire Indonesian nation and the entire homeland of Indonesia, promote the general welfare, educating the nation and participate in the establishment of world order based on freedom, lasting peace and social justice.

            Characteristic of Pancasila democracy is:

1. Pancasila Democracy is familial and mutual cooperation be based on Almighty God.
2. Pancasila Democracy must respect human rights and guarantee their minority rights.
3. Decision-making in the Pancasila democracy wherever possible based on deliberation.
4. Democracy Pancasila should law, the people as the subject of democracy are entitled to participate 
    effectively to determine the life of the nation and the state.

        The main body of Pancasila democracy is:

1. Implementation of the 1945 Constitution and elaboration as outlined in the Body and Explanations  
2. Pancasila Democracy must respect and protect human rights.
3. Implementation of state affairs should be based on institutional.
4. Democracy Pancasila should be hinged on the law as described in the Company 1945, which is a 
    democratic constitutional state.

        The principles of Pancasila democracy consists of:

1. Democracy is a divine Almighty.
2. The democracy that upholds human rights.
3. Democracy sovereignty of the people.
4. Democracy is supported by the intelligence of the citizens.
5. Democracy which apply the principle of separation of powers.
6. The democracy that guarantees regional autonomy.
7. Democracy which apply the concept of rule of law.
8. Democracy ensuring the independence of judiciary, independent, and impartial.
9. Democracy that foster the welfare of the people.
10. Democracy social justice.

Pancasila in a democratic system, there are two principles, namely:

1. The principle of democracy, namely the principle of awareness of the love of the people, united by fate and ideals of the people, and spirited populist or appreciate the awareness of kinship and social ideal with people.

2. The principle of deliberation, namely the principle that the aspirations and wishes of all the people of  many and through a deliberative forum for discussions to unify opinions together and reach a mutual agreement that is animated by compassion, sacrifice for the achievement of happiness together.

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