
Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris SMK kelas 12

 Soal Latihan Uji Kompetensi Bahasa Inggris SMK kelas 12

Read the dialogue below and answer some questions by choosing a, b, c, d, or e

Syafik    : Hey, where’s my cake?  I haven’t eaten it.

Sakira    :  I don’t know

Syafik    :  It must have been you who ate my cake

Sakira    :  Right, are you accusing me ?

Syafik    :  So what’s the chocolate dot on your face over there?

Sakira    :  All right, I admit that I was very hungry. Will youy forgive me?

1.  What made Syafik angry?

      a.   Sakira has stolen his cake

      b.   Sakira wants to eat the cake

      c.   His cake has missed while he hasn’t eaten yet

      d.   Sakira said, She didn’t know

      e.   sakira has eaten his cake

2.   What did Syafik say?

      a.   Where’s my cake?

      b.   I haven’t eaten yet

      c.   It must have been you who ate my cake

      d.   right, are you accusing me?

      e.   I don’t know

3.   What did Sakira say to deny it?

      a.   Where’s my cake?

      b.   I haven’t eaten yet

      c.   It must have been you who ate my cake

      d.   right, are you accusing me?

      e.   I don’t know

4.   Did she really eat the cake?

      a.   No, she didn’t

      b.   We don’t know

      c.   Yes, she did

      d.   I don’t think so

      e.   Yes, she can

5.   What did Sakira say to admit it?

      a.   Right, are you accusing me?

      b.   All right, I admit that I was very hungry

      c.   I don’t know

      d.   Where’s my cake?

      e.   I haven’t eaten it

6.   Abu Bakar   : Oh, My God! You broke my glases.

      Abu Thalib  : ………………………

  1. It’s O.K
  2. All right, it doesn’t matter
  3. I’m sorry. It was an accident
  4. Sure
  5. It’s all right

7.   Salimah   : Hey, What happened with my bag?

      Sakinnah : …………………..

  1. Oh, it was my fault. I dropped the coffee on it. I’m sorry
  2. What do you mean?
  3. It’s O.K
  4. Oh, Please forgive me
  5. Oh, it wasn’t my fault. Don’t accuse me!

8.   Fachril   : What’s wrong with my calculator? It’s difficult to press the button.

      Farida    :  …………………….

  1. Please forgive me
  2. It’s my fault. I have dropped it. I’m sorry
  3. It’s not my fault, I don’t know
  4. That’s good
  5. That’s O.K. Don’t worry

9.   You forget to feed your cat for a day. Your mother knew it. She was angry. You 

      admitted your carelessness. What would you say? 

  1. It’s not my fault
  2. All right, I didn’t do that
  3. All right, I did that. I’m sorry, Mom
  4. I’m sorry, Mom but it’s not my fault
  5. That’s not problem

10. Your friend has bought a new mobile phone. You borrow it. You press any button so

       it’s broken. What will you say?

a.         Sorry, it’s not my mistake

b.         All right, I didn’t do that

c.         I’m sorry, it’s my fault

d.         That’s not problem

e.         It’s O.K. I will buy a new one for you

Read the text below to answer questions 11 to 14


                Rain always comes from clouds. But where do clouds come from? How does all the water get into the sky?

                Think about your bathroom. There is hot water in your bath. Steam goes up from the hot water. The steam makes small clouds in the bathroom. These warm clouds meet the cold walls and windows. Then we see small drops of water on the walls and windows.

                The world is like your bathroom. The water in the oceans is warm when the sun shines on it. Some of this water goes up into the sky and makes clouds. The wind carries the clouds for hundreds of kilometers. The clouds meet the cold air in the sky. Then we’ll see drops of water after the condensation of clouds to water. The drops of water are rain.

                The rain falls and runs into rivers. Rivers run into oceans. And the water from the oceans changes into clouds and becomes rain. So water is always moving from oceans to clouds to rain to rivers to oceans.

11.  The text describes……..

      a.   how rain falls

      b.   the function of rain

      c.   the formation of rain

      d.   the process of condensation

      e.   how the sea water goes to the sky

12. Which of the following is the correct cycle of the rain?

      a.   Water, clouds, condensation, evaporation, rain

      b.   Water, condensation, clouds, evaporation, rain

      c.   Water, evaporation, clouds, condensation, rain

      d.   Rain, water, clouds, evaporation, condensation

      e,   Water, rain, condensation, clouds, evaporation

13. “The clouds meet the cold air in the sky. Then we’ll see drops of water after the

      condensation of clouds to water.” (Paragraph 3). The underlined word means the

      changing of……………

a. gas to steam

b. gas to liquid

c. liquid to gas

d. water to steam

e. cloud to steam

14. What makes the clouds change into small drops of water?

      a.   The wind

      b.   The hot water

      c.   The sun-light

      d.   The moving air

      e.   The cold temperature

Computers are undoubtedly, used by almost all people in the world.  Computers provide people with quicker, practical and useful works. People admit the superiority of computers in their work. They can make use of the (15) …. product of technology which brings many benefits for society, from children to adult.

            (16)..., computers certainly do not promote physical activity. There are some students who are caught in the mystique of this machine. They forgot about lunch, forget to rest and even want to skip from after school-activities. Even, those who hold strong oppositions about this machine, they say that this machine fail to (17)...… its users some of emotions that are desirable in human beings. In fact some preliminary research has shown that prolong exposure to computerized testing situations has resulted students in being surly and often abusive to each other.

                        So, whatever opinion a person holds, try to bear in the mind that computers not only bring some benefits but also cause some problems.

15.  ……

A. used

B.  sophisticated

C.  disordered

D.  imitated

E.  hesitated


16.  ………

            A.  Therefore

B.   Hence

C.  In addition

D.  However

E.  Furthermore


17.  ………..

A.  ignore

B.  neglect

C.  stimulate

D.  permit

E.  allow

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