
Stoichiometry of Reaction Report - IPSE FPMIPA Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Assignment - Fundamental Chemistry


A.    Place and Date
Wet Lab IPSE / 22 November 2016

B.     Objectives
1.  Determine coefficient reaction based on precipitation formed.
2.  Determine stoichiometry of acid-base reaction.

C.    Basic Theory

A chemical reaction is a process in which one set of substances called reactants is converted to new set of substances called products. In many cases, though, nothing happens when or substances are mixed together, they retain their original properties and composition. Just as symbols are used for elements and formulas for compounds, there is a symbolic or shorthand way of representing a chemical reaction called chemical equation.
            All atoms present in the reactants must be accounted for among the products. In other words, there must be the same number of each type of atom on the product side and on the reactant side of the narrow. Making sure that this rule is followed is called balancing chemical equation. The coefficients in balanced equation tell the number of substances involved in a reaction. These coefficients also tell the number of moles of substances in a reactions. For example :

CH4(g) + 2O2(g) à CO2(g) + 2 H2O(g)

The equation tell us that 1 molecule of CH4 reacts with 2 molecules O2 to produce 1 molecule of CO2 and 2 molecules of H2O. The equation also tells us that 1n mole of CH4 reacts with 2n moles of O2 to give 1n mole of CO2 and 2n moles of H2O (n = any value).

            In the laboratory, coefficient in chemical reaction can be determined through experimental data series results. One of simple way to determine coefficient of reaction is continuous variation method. The basic principle of this method is in a series experiments, the total molar amount of reactants is made permanent, while the molar amount of changed regularly. Changes that occur as a result of the reaction between the mixture of reactants (mass, volume, and temperature) is plotted to the molar of each reactant in a graph, in order to obtain an optimum point. Optimum point shows coefficient ration for each reactant.

D.    Equipment and Materials


-          Beakers 100ml (6)

-          Graduated cylinder 50ml (1)

-          Graduated cylinder 100ml (1)

-          Thermometer (2)

-          Tray (1)

-          Ruler (1)

-      NaOH 1 M
-      NaOH 0,1 M
-      CuSO4 0,1 M
-      HCl 1 M

E.     Procedures

1.      Stoichiometry of Precipitation Reaction

a.       Two beakers are provided. 5 ml NaOH 0,1 M is taken and filled in beaker 1, 25 ml CuSO4 0,1 M is filled in beaker 2.

b.      Two kinds of solution are mixed and shaked.

c.       The mixture is allowed to form a precipitate.

d.      The high of precipitation is measured using ruler (mm).

e.       The same way is done with different composition of reactants (total volume still 30ml)

·         10 ml NaOH 0,1 M and 20 ml CuSO4 0,1 M

·         15 ml NaOH 0,1 M and 15 ml CuSO4 0,1 M

·         20 ml NaOH 0,1 M and 10 ml CuSO4 0,1 M

·         25 ml NaOH 0,1 M and 5 ml CuSO4 0,1 M

f.        Graph is made and high of precipitation [Y] VS volume NaOH/ CuSO4 [X] is plotted.

g.      Optimum point and coefficient of reaction are determined.

2.      Stoichiometry of Acid-Base Reaction

a.       5 ml NaOH 1 M is taken and filled in beaker 1, 25 ml HCl 1 M is filled in beaker 2. The temperature of both solutions (TM) are measured until both of solution has the same temperature (using water in tray).

b.      Two kinds of solution are mixed and the constant temperature (TA) is measured.

c.       The same way is done with different composition of reactants (total volume still 30 ml)

d.      Graph is made and the change of temperature [Y] VS volume NaOH/ CuSO4 [X] is plotted.

e.       Optimum point and coefficient of reaction are determined.


F.     Observation Table

1.      Stoichiometry of Precipitation Reaction


Volume of NaOH 0,1 M

Volume of CuSO4 0,1 M

Precipitation (mm)


5 mL

25 mL

1 mm


10 mL

20 mL

2 mm


15 mL

15 mL

3 mm


20 mL

10 mL

13 mm


25 mL

5 mL

11 mm


2.      Stoichiometry of Acid-Base Reaction


Volume of NaOH 1 M

Volume of CuSO4 1 M





5 mL

25 mL





10 mL

20 mL





15 mL

15 mL





20 mL

10 mL





25 mL

5 mL





G.    Chemical Reaction and Calculation

1.      Stoichiometry of Precipitation Reaction

Volume of NaOH 0,1 M

Volume of CuSO4 0,1 M

Mol  of NaOH

Mol of CuSO4

5 mL = 0,005 L

25 mL =0,025 L

 n = M/v
    = 0,1/ 0,005
    = 20 mol

n = M/v
   = 0,1/0,025
   = 4 mol

10 mL = 0,01 L

20 mL = 0,02 L

 n = M/v
    = 0,1/ 0,01
    = 10 mol

 n = M/v
    = 0,1/ 0,02
    = 5 mol

15 mL = 0,015 L

15 mL = 0,015 L

 n = M/v
    = 0,1/ 0,015
    = 6,67 mol

 n = M/v
    = 0,1/ 0,015
    = 6,67 mol

20 mL = 0,02 L

10 mL = 0,01 L

 n = M/v
    = 0,1/ 0,02
    = 5 mol

 n = M/v
    = 0,1/ 0,01
    = 10 mol

25 mL = 0,025 L

5 mL = 0,005 L

 n = M/v
    = 0,1/ 0,025
    = 4 mol

 n = M/v
    = 0,1/ 0,005
    = 20 mol


·         Reaction between 5 mL NaOH 0,1 M with 25 ml CuSO4 0,1 M
                2NaOH (aq) + CuSO4 (aq)
à Na2SO4 (aq) + Cu(OH)2 (s)

Initial         : 20 mol          4 mol
Reactant    : 8 mol            4 mol              4 mol               4 mol
Rest           : 12 mol           -                     4 mol               4 mol


·         Reaction between 10 mL NaOH 0,1 M with 20 mL CuSO4 0,1 M
                2NaOH (aq) + CuSO4 (aq)
à Na2SO4 (aq) + Cu(OH)2 (s)

Initial         : 10 mol          5 mol
Reactant    : 10 mol          5 mol              5 mol              5 mol
Rest           :  -                    -                     5 mol              5 mol


·         Reaction between 15 mL NaOH 0,1 M with 15 mL CuSO4 0,1 M
                2NaOH (aq) + CuSO4 (aq)
à Na2SO4 (aq) + Cu(OH)2 (s)

Initial         : 6,67 mol       6,67 mol
Reactant    : 6,67 mol       3,335 mol        3,335 mol        3,335 mol
Rest           :  -                   3,335 mol        3,335 mol        3,335 mol


·         Reaction between 20 mL NaOH 0,1 M with 10 mL CuSO4 0,1 M
                2NaOH (aq) + CuSO4 (aq)
à Na2SO4 (aq) + Cu(OH)2 (s)

Initial         : 5 mol            10 mol
Reactant    : 5 mol            2,5 mol           2,5 mol            2,5 mol
Rest           :  -                   7,5 mol           2,5 mol            2,5 mol


·         Reaction between 25 mL NaOH 0,1 M with 5 mL CuSO4 0,1 M

                2NaOH (aq) + CuSO4 (aq) à Na2SO4 (aq) + Cu(OH)2 (s)

Initial         : 4 mol            20 mol
Reactant    : 4 mol            2 mol              2 mol              2 mol
Rest           :  -                   18 mol            2 mol              2 mol


2.      Stoichiometry of Acid-Base Reaction

Volume of NaOH 1 M

Volume of HCl 1 M

Mol  of NaOH

Mol  of HCl

5 mL = 0,005 L

25 mL =0,025 L

 n = M/v
    = 1/ 0,005
    = 200 mol

 n = M/v
    = 1/ 0,025
    = 40 mol

10 mL = 0,01 L

20 mL = 0,02 L

 n = M/v
    = 1/ 0,01
    = 100 mol

 n = M/v
    = 1/ 0,02
    = 50 mol

15 mL = 0,015 L

15 mL = 0,015 L

 n = M/v
    = 1/ 0,015
    = 66,67 mol

 n = M/v
    = 1/ 0,015
    = 66,67 mol

20 mL = 0,02 L

10 mL = 0,01 L

 n = M/v
    = 1/ 0,02
    = 50 mol

 n = M/v
    = 1/ 0,01
    = 100 mol

25 mL = 0,025 L

5 mL = 0,005 L

 n = M/v
    = 1/ 0,025
    = 40 mol

 n = M/v
    = 1/ 0,005
    = 200 mol

·         Reaction between 5 mL NaOH 1 M and 25 mL HCL 1 M
                              NaOH (aq) + HCl (aq)
à NaCl (aq) + H2O (l)

Initial         :           200 mol         40 mol
Reactant    :           40 mol           40 mol         40 mol         40 mol
Rest           :           160 mol          -                  40 mol         40 mol

·         Reaction between 10 mL NaOH 1 M and 20 mL HCL 1 M
                              NaOH (aq) + HCl (aq)
à NaCl (aq) + H2O (l)

Initial         :           100 mol         50 mol
Reactant    :           50 mol           50 mol         50 mol         50 mol
Rest           :           50 mol            -                  50 mol         50 mol

·         Reaction between 15 mL NaOH 1 M and 15 mL HCL 1 M
                              NaOH (aq) + HCl (aq)
à NaCl (aq) + H2O (l)

Initial         :           66,67 mol      66,67 mol
Reactant    :           66,67 mol      66,67 mol   66,67 mol   66,67 mol
Rest           :             -                    -                 66,67 mol   66,67 mol

·         Reaction between 20 mL NaOH 1 M and 10 mL HCL 1 M
                              NaOH (aq) + HCl (aq)
à NaCl (aq) + H2O (l)

Initial         :           50 mol           100 mol
Reactant    :           50 mol           50 mol         50 mol         50 mol
Rest           :            -                    50 mol         50 mol         50 mol

·         Reaction between 25 mL NaOH 1 M and 5 mL HCL 1 M

            NaOH (aq) + HCl (aq) à NaCl (aq) + H2O (l)

Initial         :           40 mol           200 mol
Reactant    :           40 mol           40 mol         40 mol         40 mol
Rest           :             -                   160 mol       40 mol         40 mol


H.    Data Analysis (complete with graph)

1.       Stoichiometry of Precipitation Reaction

In first reaction, we use NaOH and CuSO4. The reaction of 2NaOH + CuSO4 à Na2SO4 + Cu(OH)2, the SO42- anion is joining with an element form salts, then most of the salt formed is a soluble salt. Including when the sulfate anion reacts with Na. While hydroxide (OH-) only dissolves in water. So that, when OH- reacts with Cu forming Cu(OH)2 will form in soluble compounds. So, the precipitation formed from the reaction of NaOH and CuSO4 is Cu(OH)2. The total volume between two solutions
should be 30 mL.

Reaction between 20 mL NaOH + 10 mL CuSO4  actually produce the highest precipitation appropriate literature. Reaction of 5 mL solution of NaOH 0.1 M and 25 mL of 0.1 M CuSO4 produced high of precipitation about 1mm and the color of precipitate is light blue color. Reaction of 10 mL NaOH 0,1 M and 20 mL CuSO4 0,1 M, the high of precipitation is 2 mm, with a light blue color. Then, reaction of 15 mL NaOH 0.1 M with 15 mL CuSO4 0,1 M, the high of precipitation is 3mm, with a light blue color. Reaction of 20 mL NaOH 0,1 M and 10 mL CuSO4  0,1 M produces the high of precipitation is about 13 mm and it has dark blue color in precipitate, while 25 mL NaOH 0.1 M mixed 5 mL CuSO4, the high of precipitate is 11 mm, with black color.

From the results that we had, the more volume of NaOH that we mixed, it will produce progressively darker colors. If the volume of NaOH that we mixed is less, the color of solution increasingly clear or bright. Then, the more volume of NaOH that we mixed, the higher of sediment that we get. However, that level continues to rise until it reaches the optimum point. And the optimum point is in reaction of 20 mL NaOH and 10 mL CuSO4 produces 13 mm of high precipitation. From that reaction, we got balance coefficient of NaOH and CuSO4 is 2 : 1.



2.      Stoichiometry of Acid-Base Reaction

               The second reaction is between NaOH and HCl. This reaction called neutralization.    
               The relation between temperature and the stoichiometry reaction is the temperature 
               will reach a optimum point or the maximum value. The lowest temperature is called
               minimum point and the highest temperature is called optimum point. Usually the 
               optimum point obtained if the reaction based on stoichiometry. 
               In reaction between 5 mL NaOH 1 M and 25 mL HCL 1 M is non stoichiometry 
               reaction because HCl completely reacted first and NaOH still remain 160 mol. In 
               reaction between 10 mL NaOH 1 M and 20 mL HCL 1 M is non stoichiometry reaction 
               because HCl completely reacted first and NaOH still remain 50 mol. The reaction 
               between 20 mL NaOH 1 M and 10 mL HCL 1 M is non stoichiometry reaction because
               NaOH completely reacted first and HCl still remain 50 mol. The reaction between 25 mL
               NaOH 1 M and 5 mL HCL 1 M is non stoichiometry reaction because NaOH completely
               reacted first and HCl still remain 160 mol. In reaction between 15 mL NaOH 1 M and 15
               mL HCL 1 M is stoichiometry reaction because all reagents completely reacted and there
               was nothing left. So, we obtain the optimum point from this reaction. Not only based on
               stoichiometry, but also we find the optimum point from a graph of volume and temperature
               changes, the optimum point obtained at 15 mL NaOH 1 M and 15 mL HCL 1 M with the 
               change in temperature of 50.
               Reaction coefficients based on the optimum point is 1: 1, means one mole of NaOH reacts 
               with one mole of HCl. The equation is based on the optimum point by equalizing equation is
               the same that produced one mole of NaCl and one mole of water.


I.       Conclusion
If there are two substances that are mixed, it will cause a change in temperature, color and precipitation.
   Coefficient of reaction can be determined from the maximum point of a reaction. The optimum point in 
   the precipitation reaction occurs in a volume of 20 mL NaOH and 10 mL CuSO4 which has high 
   precipitation is about 13 mm high. NaOH and CuSO4 reaction coefficient ratio is 2: 1. 
   In this case, changes in temperature did not based on volume. The optimum point in acid-base reaction
   system obtained in 15 mL HCl and 15 mL NaOH with changes in temperature of 5° C. Comparison of 
   HCl and NaOH reaction coefficient is 1: 1.


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