
Grammar Exercise - English Academic and Purpose Assignment (Could Have Should Have Would Have)


Grammar Exercises

Could Have Should Have Would Have


1. I ___________________________________ (buy) bread but I didn’t know we needed it.  

    (past possibility)

2. We ___________________________________ (invite) so many people to our party! I’m

    worried that we won’t have enough room for everyone. (past negative advice / regret)

3. I ___________________________________ (start) saving money years ago! (past advice /


4. We ___________________________________ (join) you at the restaurant, but we

    couldn’t get a babysitter. (past willingness)

5. The weather ___________________________________ (be) any worse! (past negative


6. I ___________________________________ (arrive) on time, even if I’d left earlier. There

    were dreadful traffic jams all the way. (past negative possibility)

7. They ___________________________________ (win) the football match, but John hurt

    his ankle. (past possibility)

8. Amanda ___________________________________ (finish) the work, but she felt ill and

    had to go home. (past willingness)

9. Lucy ___________________________________ (left) earlier. She missed her flight. (past

    advice / regret)

10. We ___________________________________ (finish) the game, even if we’d wanted

      to. It was raining very hard and we had to stop. (past negative possibility)

11. I ___________________________________ (eat) so much chocolate! I feel sick! (past

      negative advice / regret)

12. Luke ___________________________________ (pass) the exam if he’d studied a bit

      more. (past possibility)

13. John ___________________________________ (call) Amy, but he didn’t have her

      number. (past willingness)

14. You ___________________________________ (be) rude to him. He’s going to be really

      angry now. (past negative advice / regret)

15. She ___________________________________ (come) to the restaurant if she’d left

      work earlier. (past possibility)


16. You ___________________________________ (take) this job. I can see you’re not

      enjoying it. (past negative advice / regret)

17. The race was really difficult. She ___________________________________ (win)

       because she’s not fit enough. (past negative possibility)

18. Our neighbours ___________________________________ (cut) down the tree in their

      garden. It was a really beautiful tree. (past negative advice / regret)

19. The children ___________________________________ (do) their homework last night.

      Then they wouldn’t be panicking on the way to school. (past advice / regret)

20. I’m really cold! I ___________________________________ (bring) my coat. (past

      advice / regret)

21. I ___________________________________ (come) to see you! I didn’t know you were

      ill. (past willingness)

22. Andrew ___________________________________ (go) to Cambridge University, but he

      decided to travel instead. (past possibility)

23. They ___________________________________ (be) kinder to me. They were absolutely

      lovely. (past negative possibility)

24. You ___________________________________ (buy) some milk at the shops. We don’t

      have any milk. (past advice / regret)

25. They ___________________________________ (come) to have breakfast with us, but

      they went to bed too late the night before. (past willingness)

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