
Grammar Exercise - English Academic and Purpose Assignment (Past Perfect Tense, Pas Perfect Tense, Past Perfect Continuous)


Grammar Exercises


Past Perfect Tense

1. They _________________ (eat) before he arrived.

2.  _____________________ (you finish) the report before he asked for it?

3. Jennifer _____________________ (buy) the house before the market crashed.

4. What ______________________ (she do) that upset him so much?

5. Our boss ___________ (not make) the decision yet when management changed their mind.

6. The students _______________ (write) the report, but the teacher made them do it again.

7. Mark _________________ (want) to go to New York, but his wife changed his mind.

8. ___________________ (they invest) in that stock before the market improved?

9. Alex ___________________ (not do) the gardening before it started raining.

10. Their decision _________________ (make - passive voice) before conditions changed.

11. We ___________________ (eat already) so we weren't hungry.

12. _________________ (Tom choose) the color for his room before he was asked to paint it


13. Sarah _________________ (drive) three hundred miles by the time she arrived in Tacoma.

14. Few people _________________ (understand) the news when the consequences began to


15. The reporter _________________ (not tell) the cameraman to get ready when the president

      walked into the room.

16. Bob _________________ (purchase) the first generation iPad two weeks before the second

      generation was introduced.

17. I _____ (print) the report before he gave me the updates.

18. _____ (Henry come) home before the called the police?

19. She _____ (not complete) the article when the news changed everything.

20. The coach _____ (reserve) rooms for everybody so there weren't any problems.


Past Perfect Tense

Choose the correct time or quantity expression used with the past perfect tense.

21. How (much / long) had you known Peter before he proposed?

22. They had (yet / already) eaten by the time he arrived.

23. Cathy hadn't finished the report (when / by) the time he asked for it.

24. Phillip had requested all the forms (as soon as / before) he began the application process.

25. How (much / long) wine had they drunk before they were asked to stop?

26. She had made the decision long (after / before) he asked her to marry him.

27. They had always wanted to visit Amsterdam (so / as) they went!

28. Jackson hadn't been able to read the book (when / as) the teacher asked him to quote from it.

29. Susan had (yet / already) printed the report before her boss requested it.

30. Had they (yet / already) heard the news or were they surprised?


Past Perfect Continuous


1. It was a relief to find the documents. I (look) __________________ for them all afternoon.

2. He was dismissed, even though, in his opinion, he (not/do) ________________ anything wrong.

3. It was not the first time I'd met him. We (meet) _______________ many times before.

4. He called me at eleven in the evening to tell me that he (find/finally) _______________ a


5. When he (finish) _______________ his speech, he waited for the reaction of the audience. But

    no one said a word.

6. By the time I came back from my business trip, a lot of things (changed) _______________.

7. The doctor asked me how long I (have) _______________ the symptoms.

8. It was more than a month before we realized what (happen) _______________  to him.

9. We (work/already) on this project for a month before we found a fundamental flaw.

10. The invoice (not/arrive/still) _______________ by the end of the week so we sent them a strong reminder.

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