
Research Proposal - (ATM) Aptitude Tasking Method as a Technique To Improve Learning Interesting Student by Means of Assignment

Educational Research & Method 


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Hengky Kusniar 1601032

A.    Background
The development of an increasingly modern era in the globalization as it is today the demand for quality human resources. Improving the quality of human resources is a prerequisite for achieving development goals. One effort to improve the quality of human resources is education.
Education is all efforts and efforts to make people able to develop human potential to have spiritual strength, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and possess the necessary skills as members of society and citizens. In addition, education is an attempt to form a whole human born and mind smart, healthy, and virtuous noble character. It is recognized by all people or a nation for its future sustainability. Likewise with Indonesia put great hope on education in the future development of this nation, because that's where the young shoots of hope of the nation as the next generation is formed. The quality of education is closely related to the quality of students because students are the center point (subject) of teaching and learning process. Therefore, in improving the quality of education, learning achievement is a direct indicator of educational quality. Where efforts to improve the quality of education can be done with efforts to improve student achievement. The higher the learning achievement achieved by the students the more successful learning process is achieved and vice versa.
The learning process is influenced by several factors, including internal factors (factors that come from within students) and external factors (factors that come from outside the student self). Internal factors include: physical factors (consisting of health and disability factors), psychological factors (consisting of intelligence, attention, interest, talent, motivation, perception, maturity and readiness) and fatigue factors. While external factors include: family factors that is the way parents educate, the relationship between family members, home atmosphere, family economic situation, understanding parents, cultural background; school factors i.e. teaching method, curriculum, teacher relation with student, student relation with student, school discipline, school time tool, building condition, learning method and home task; community factors is student activities in the community, media, friends mingle, and life forms of society.
One of the factors that influence the learning process is the provision of home tasks. The task is a job that requires implementation to be completed. While the definition of homework by Roestiyah (2008: 132-133) is the provision of duties as a distraction which is a variation of the technique of presenting the material to students to do at home. The assignment of homework assignment given to the students as an effort so that students do active learning activities, better understand the material that has been submitted by the teacher.
But in fact most students tend to feel overwhelmed and lazy in doing the task given by the teacher. They feel the task is difficult and too much. And it causes students not optimal in understanding the concept of Lesson. So some students do cheats like cheating and doing school work.
Teachers should pay attention to every task given to their students, so that the task can improve students' ability in accordance with the material that has been given. In addition to giving tasks aimed so that students can take advantage of their study time at home. Utilization of home study time is something that is very important and valuable for students, because time will not be back again. Therefore there must be a solution how to increase student interest in doing the task.
Based on the description above is known that the assignment of the task sometimes makes students feel lazy to do and make students not maximal in understanding the concept of Lesson. Therefore, a study entitled “(ATM) Aptitude Tasking Method as a Technique to improve study interesting student by means of Assignment” As a solution in overcoming the problem of this study.
B.     Problem
a.      Problem statement
    Based on the background of the problem described above, then the problem in this   research is formulated as follows: 
       - Does the use of Aptitude tasking method will improve study interesting of students?
b.      Problem question     
    Based on the background of the problem described above, then the problem in this   research is formulated as follows
 - How does the response of students toward assignment with Aptitude tasking method?
C.    Limitation
Based on the identification of the above problems, the problems that arise in the achievement of maximum learning achievement is influenced by many factors. Therefore, this study to study more in-depth and focused, then research needs to limit the scope of the problem. The problem is limited to the lazy nature factor that students have in doing the task. Is intended to understand how a good solution is to make students more interested in doing tasks with a particular method.
D.  Objective
            The purpose of this research is to:
a.       To Increase student interest in doing task through Aptitude Tasking method (ATM)
b.      To eliminate the sense of laziness and foster a sense of excitement in doing the task through Aptitude Asking method (ATM)
E.                Benefit
1)      Theoretically
a.       The results of this study are expected to provide input in order to overcome the sense of laziness and not interested students in doing the task.
b.      The results of this study is expected to make students understand the concept of learning materials well besides it can hone their talents. So that students can achieve.
2)      Practically
a.       For teachers, as an input for teaching and learning activities in order to improve student achievement.
b.      For students, as an Enter so that students are able to carry out the learning process activities well and fun.
c.       For researchers, as a provision of future educators, and to apply knowledge that has been obtained in college and add experience and knowledge.
F.                 Assumption
The assumption of this research is:
      Aptitude Tasking Method is a good method to increase student interest in doing the task. Because each student will be assigned according to the interest they have so they will feel happy and enjoy while doing the task
G.             Hypothesis (Experiment research)
Ho         : There is a significant different between class before the treatment is given, and after the treatment is given.
II.                LITERATURE RIVIEW
A.    Theory Description
                  1. Learning
a. Understanding Learning
Learning is an activity that cannot be separated in human life. Consciously or not, this process has actually done man from birth to meet the needs of life as well as develop the potentials that exist in him. "Learning according to the Indonesian General Dictionary means trying, training and so on in order to gain intelligence" (Poerwadarminta, 2005: 121).
From this understanding can be concluded that learning is the process of changing the quality and quantity of behavior in a person that is shown by increasing knowledge, thinking power, skills, attitudes, habits, and others.
Learning is something that must be done by humans to get something that has not been understood or that has not been explored thoroughly about a thing. By learning someone will be able to change itself to a better direction, both in terms of quality, and quantity of knowledge it has. If in a process of learning a person does not experience improvement in quality or quantity of ability, then the person is basically not learning, or in other words fail in learning.
            According to Ngalim Purwanto (2003: 84) there are several elements that characterize the notion of learning, namely that:
1)      Learning is a change in behavior, where change can lead to better behavior.
2)      Learning is a change that occurs through practice or experience; in the sense that changes caused by growth or maturity are not considered as learning outcomes; such as changes that occur in a baby.
3)      To be able to disseat learning, then the change must be relatively steady and settled.
4)      Behavior that changes due to learning concerning various aspects of personality, both physical and psychological, such as: changes in understanding, solving in a problem / thinking, skills, skills, habits, or attitudes.
"Learning is a process by which a person undertakes to obtain a change of behavior as a whole, as a result of his own experience in his interactions with his environment "(Slameto, 2003: 2)
2. Assignment
a. Understanding of Assignment
"The task is a job that requires implementation to be completed. Teachers can assign tasks to students as an inseparable part of the students' learning tasks "(Syaiful Bahri Djamarah and Aswan Zain, 2006: 153). According to the Indonesian Dictionary, "Duty is a must-do / determined to do, work that is the responsibility of a person, the work that is charged" (Poerwadarminta, 2005: 1299). Assignment of duty is one part of the teaching method is done by assigning students to re-learn the subject matter that has been given by the teacher and then must be accounted for. According to Winkel (2005: 277), assignment can be viewed from three angles, namely:
a.       According to the instructional objectives to be achieved, more so in terms of the type of behavior, whether including the cognitive domain, affective domain, or psychomotor domain.
b.      According to the number of students who have to do the task. There are tasks that must be done individually, done together with friends or done together in small groups and large.
c.       According to the level of demands or mentoring provided by the teaching staff. Students may be asked to work on their own and discover without being instructed by the teacher (discovery learning) or clearly guided by the teacher (expository teaching).
Based on the above opinion on the definition of assignment is the job given by the teacher in the form of certain tasks, students do the task and then accountable so that students can understand the material that has been submitted by the teacher.
            b. Step of Assignment
Assignment of tasks in the learning process is based on the idea that by giving the task students will learn. The more often assigned, the more students will learn, and the more often the student learns then his achievements will increase. Steps to be followed in the assignment of duties according to Syaiful Bahri Djamarah and Aswan Zain (2006: 86) there are three phases, namely:
1) The Task Planning Phase (task assignment process of the teacher) the task given by the student should consider:
a)  Objectives to be achieved
b)  Types of tasks clear and precise so that children understand what is assigned.
c)  In accordance with the ability of the student
d)   There are instructions / resources that can help the students' work
e)   Provide sufficient time to complete the task.
2) Phase of Task Implementation
a)      Giving guidance / supervision by the teacher
b)      Given the impulse so that the child will work
c)      Cultivated / done by the students themselves, do not ask others.
d)     It is recommended that the student record the results he obtained well and systematically.     
3) Phase Responsible Task
a)      Student reports either oral / written of what has been done.
b)      There is a class Q & A / discussion
c)      Assessment of student work result either by test or notes or other way.
Teachers in assigning tasks to students according to Moh. Uzer Usman and Lilis Setiawati (1993: 128) should go through the following steps:
a.       Establish assignment goals, this is necessary in order to facilitate the determination of the type of task to be assigned to the students.
b.      Assign the type of task to be assigned to the student
c.       Explain how to do the task
d.      Setting the time limit required to perform the task
e.       Implementation of duties by students
f.       Resistance phase (accountability) assigned tasks to students, both in written and oral.
Good job requirements according to Suprihadi Saputro, et al (2000: 76), are:
1) It should be stated clearly and firmly
a.       Should be accompanied also about the difficulties to be faced
b.      Must be related to what is learned
c.       Should be discussed by teachers and students
d.      Should be adjusted to the student's ability
e.       Should be carried out by the students themselves
f.       Must be adjusted to the time available to students.
Based on the above opinion, teachers should pay attention to the steps in assigning tasks to students so that tasks that have been given can be completed and accounted for by the students well. Teachers also have to correct every task that has been given to students to know the level of understanding of students in mastering the material that has been given. Through the application of the assignment of teachers, can help students to be more active and independent in the process of teaching and learning, able to improve the competence owned so as to help improve learning achievement.
            c. Types of Assignment
The types of tasks that can be given to students who can help the ongoing teaching and learning process:
1.      The task of making a summary
2.      The task of making papers
3.      Solve the problem
4.      The task of observation
5.      The task of practicing something
6.      The task of demonstrating observation.
According to Roestiyah (2008: 133), "The task can be given in the form of a list of questions concerning a particular student's eye or a command that should be discussed with a discussion or need to be searched for in a textbook, otherwise it may be a written assignment or an oral assignment, collecting things, making things, observing something and experimenting."
Based on the above opinion it can be concluded that the type or form of tasks that teachers provide to students can be questions, exercises, and written, homework (homework), and so forth.
d. Advantages and Disadvantages of Assignment Methods
According to Syaiful Bahri Djamarah and Aswan Zain (2006: 87) there are advantages and disadvantages in the use of assignment methods, namely:
1) The advantages for the students, among others:
a)      More stimulate students in individual or group learning activities.
b)      Can develop student independence outside of teacher supervision
c)      Can foster student responsibility and discipline
d)     Can develop students' creativity.
2) Disadvantages for teachers, among others:
a)      The student is difficult to control, whether it is he who is working or someone else
b)      Especially for group work, not infrequently the active work on and solve it is a certain member only, while other members do not participate well
c)      It is not easy to assign tasks that match individual student differences
d)     Frequently assigning monotonous tasks (not varying) can create boredom for students
The tasks given by the teacher should always vary, so that the task can provide encouragement to students to be more active learning so as to improve learning achievement.
                              3. Aptitude
Understanding Interest An individual's interest in an object will be more visible if the object is in accordance with the goals and related to the wishes and needs of someone in question (Sardiman, 1990: 76). According Tampubolon (1991: 41) said that interest is a combination of desires and wills that can develop if there is motivation. Meanwhile, according to Djali (2008: 121) that interest is basically the acceptance of a relationship between yourself with something outside the self. Very great interest pangaruhnya in achieving in a job, position, or career. It will not be possible for people who are not interested in a job to get the job done properly. Interests can be interpreted as a sense of pleasure or displeasure in the face of an object (Mohamad Surya, 2003: 100). Interest relates to a person's likes or feelings about an object. This is as stated by Slameto (2003: 180) which states that interest as a sense of preferences and a sense of attachment to a thing or activity, without any one telling. Interest is essentially the acceptance of a relationship between oneself and something outside of self. The stronger or closer the relationship, the greater the interest. According to Kartini Kartono (1996: 12).
From some opinions of experts above can be concluded that Interests is a tendency in someone who is marked with a sense of pleasure or interest in a particular object is accompanied by a concentration of attention to the object and the desire to engage in the activity of certain objects, thus causing a person has a desire to engage in a directly in a particular object or activity, because it felt meaningful for him and there is hope in the go.

III.             METHODOLOGY

A.    Operational definition
1.      Assignment
the process of giving a particular job or piece of work to someone, or of sending someone to a chosen place to do a job.
2.      Aptitude
An aptitude is a component of a competence to do a certain kind of work at a certain level. Outstanding aptitude can be considered "talent". An aptitude may be physical or mental. Aptitude is inborn potential to do certain kinds of work whether developed or undeveloped. Ability is developed knowledge, understanding, learned or acquired abilities (skills) or attitude. The innate nature of aptitude is in contrast to skills and achievement, which represent knowledge or ability that is gained through learning.
3.      Learning
Learning is the process of acquiring new or modifying existing knowledge, behaviors, skills, preference. Evidence that learning has occurred may be seen in changes in behavior from simple to complex, from moving a finger to skill in synthesizing information or a change in attitude.
B.     Method
The method that used in this research is experimental research, since the researcher is giving the sample a treatment, and measure the effect of the treatment toward the sample. In this research, the researcher will use ATM (Aptitude Tasking Method) as the Assignment media as the treatment. Each student is assigned a specific subject. Students can choose the type of task they want to work in accordance with their Aptitude. And measure the effect of ATM in science learning towards student’s participation in do assignment.
C.    Population sample
This research will be conducted in SMPN 1 Warungkiara
a.      Population:
The population of this research is students in SMPN 1 Warungkiara
b.      Sample:
The sample of this research is 30 student of SMPN 1 Warungkiara which picked randomly from each grade (7, 8, and 9).
D.    Instrument
The instruments that are used in this research is:
1.      Pre-test Questionnaire
The function of pre-test questionnaire is too measure the initial conditions of students. Which is the condition before applying Aptitude Tasking Method (ATM) and measure the participation of the student during science learning activity.
2.      Post-test Questionnaire
The function of post-test questionnaire is to measure the effect of the treatment after the treatment is given.
E.     Data Analysis
Data obtained from quantitative. Quantitative data obtained from the pretest and the post-test (student conceptual mastery).
1.       Scoring of Test Item
            To process of the data the first step is scoring the item test.
2. Calculation of Gain score and N-Gain Score
According to Hake (1998), gain score is obtained from the differences between pretest and posttest. The formula to get the gain score:
G=Gain score
Sf= Posttest score
Si= Pretest score
F.     Research Procedure
The study will be conducted by Choose 10 students each grade randomly and Give the pre-test questionnaire and treatment to the sample. And after that, give the post-test questionnaire to see if the treatment is giving any effects to the sample. From the test results obtained data for the next will be observed and analyzed. After processing the data is complete then made observation report and the proposal was completed.
G.    Schedule
In this research, researcher make schedule for the effective steps in this research as follows:

Prepare the questionnaire
Give the pre-test questionnaire
Give the treatment
Give the post-test questionnaire
Observe the data that have been gathered

The table above describes the schedule that have been arranged by the researcher:
1.      In the first week, the researcher will prepare the questionnaire including the pre-test and post-test questionnaire. And also give the pre-test questionnaire to the sample.
2.      The researcher will give the sample a treatment from first until fourth week
3.      In the fourth week, the research will give the post-test to the sample to see the effect of the treatment and the researcher will start to observe and analyze the data that was got from the questionnaire
IV.                REFERENCES

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