
Study Comparison between Cooking with the LPG gas and the Firewood - By Hengky Kusniar

Science in Daily Life

Study Comparison between Cooking with the LPG gas and the Firewood

Hengky Kusniar1

1International Program on Science Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia



Abstract. At this time, firewood has begun to be rarely used among urban people who prefer to use LPG. This is because LPG is easier and more practical to use. But not a few people also still use firewood as a cooking medium. Especially people in the countryside. Recent research indicates that approximately fifty percent of households in Indonesia still use firewood in cooking. And the rest uses LPG. The reason people prefer LPG over firewood is affordable, practical, time-saving and odourless. Whereas the reason people use firewood is that they are used to it and the food produced has a distinctive taste. Under these conditions, this study was conducted to find out some differences between cooking using firewood and LPG gas. The method used in this study is the method of comparison (comparison) by means of experiments. While the sample used is people in author village which is taken randomly. Based on the research results in the form of respondents regarding the taste, aroma, color, and texture of cooking from firewood and LPG gas, it can be concluded that firewood is superior to the 4 aspects. However, when viewed from the side of the cooking process, LPG is superior because it requires less time and is also more practical.

1. Introduction

          At present, firewood has begun to be rarely used among urban communities who prefer to use LPG. This is because LPG is easier and more practical to use. But not a few people also still use firewood as a cooking medium. Especially people in the countryside. Recent research indicates that approximately fifty percent of households in Indonesia still use firewood in cooking. And the rest uses LPG. The reason people prefer LPG over firewood is affordable, practical, time-saving and odourless. Whereas the reason people use firewood is because they are used to it and the food produced has a distinctive taste. Under these conditions, this study was conducted to find out some differences between cooking using firewood and LPG gas.

2. Method

          This type of research is comparative or comparative research and experiments because this research is done by trying and comparing. The population taken was residents of Bantargadung village, Sukabumi Regency and the sample was 14 members of the author's extended family. Data collection was carried out using direct interviews with each respondent and asking for opinions about the taste, aroma, colour, and texture of cooking from firewood and LPG gas. There are 4 aspects to the questions in the interview process that include taste, aroma, colour, and texture. The data analysis technique used is the variety of presentations presented in graphical form. This research was conducted on December 1, 2019, which is located in Bantargadung village, Sukabumi district. The procedure by the researcher in conducting research is as follows.

          1. Put each half a litter of rice in pan 1 and pan 2

          2. Enter the water in the two pans in sufficient quantities

          3. Place pan 1 on the gas stove and pan 2 on the furnace that has been filled with firewood

          4. Turn on the stove and gas stove

          5. Wait until cooked

          6. After finishing, compare the taste, texture, colour, and aroma of both rice

3. Result & Discussion

Table 1.the result of cooking rice with the firewood.

Table 2.the result of cooking rice with the LPG Gas.

Based on the data that has been obtained, the discussion is based on 3 aspects, as follows:

          1. Taste

   The difference in taste between firewood and LPG is following the research chart. Responses from respondents about the taste of LPG are quite diverse, inversely proportional to firewood, which only gets two types of responses, which are very good and tasty. Data from research charts have shown that the number of respondents who gave a maximum score on firewood was far more than LPG. In fact, four respondents said it was quite good and one respondent said that it was not comfortable with LPG taste. So in terms of wood taste is still far superior compared to LPG.

          2. Smell

   Data from the research graph again shows that in terms of smell, firewood is also superior to LPG. Of the 14 study respondents, 9 said the smell of firewood was very fragrant and 1 person said that the aroma of LPG was very fragrant. only the aroma category in LPG had the lowest (not fragrant) response by one of the study respondents.

          3. Color

   From the data contained in the research chart above, there is a similarity in the percentage of categories of colors and aromas of firewood. Nine respondents said it was very fragrant and very bright and five people said it was fragrant and bright. Whereas in LPG 6 respondents answered brightly, but 5 other respondents said they were not bright. This is evident from the results of research that shows a significant difference in terms of color between firewood and LPG.

4. Texture

   Respondents' responses to the texture of rice cooked using firewood were not so optimal compared to the previous categories, where the number of respondents who answered very soft and soft was the same, namely five and those who answered quite softly were four. While for LPG, the graph does not show a significant change compared to the previous categories. This is due to the gentle dose for each person to the different rice. Some respondents said rice from firewood was too soft and some said it was soft. While in LPG, some say the texture is rough, but some say soft because it is not too soft and not too rough.

4. Conclusion

          The results of the research we have done is the difference between cooking with firewood and LPG is very clear in terms of taste, aroma, colour, and texture. Although the time needed to cook with firewood is approximately 30 minutes and LPG 15 minutes or 2: 1, firewood looks very dominant in all categories of the results of the interview. In terms of taste, aroma, and colour, rice cooked with firewood is enough to surpass LPG rice. While in terms of texture, the difference between the two looks thin and firewood is still better than LPG. So it can be concluded that the cause of the scarcity of firewood is currently used because LPG is more practical and efficient in its use. While the reason certain people continue to choose firewood as a cooking medium is because the resulting food has better taste, texture, colour, and aroma than cooking from LPG. The difference in substances contained in LPG and firewood that affect cooking is cleaner LPG gas because the substance used is gas, while the residual combustion ash from firewood can be contaminated with cooking which causes cooking to be less clean. How to use LPG properly and correctly is to place the stove and tube in a room that has good air circulation, install the hose in accordance with existing procedures, make sure the hose is not bent or pinched, keep the tube away from heat and sparks, and check and regular cleaning. How to use firewood that is good and right is to enter the dried wood into the furnace with the pyramid position so that the resulting combustion evenly then raise the food on the stove, making sure the fire is not blown by the wind which causes uneven burning. The risk posed when cooking using firewood is can cause severe pneumonia. While the risk that arises when cooking with LPG gas is the occurrence of leakage in the cylinder or gas installation so that if exposed to fire can cause fire.

5. Acknowledgments

Authors wishing their gratitude for the assistance and encouragement from colleagues, and lecturers of Science in Daily Life course.

6. References

[1]     Kleinedler, Steven. The American Heritage Children's Science Dictionary. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2003.

[2]     Tocci, Salvatore. Experiments with cooking rice. New York: Children's Press, 2002.

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