
Observing Living Protist Experiment Essay Report of Practicum


Last two week, on of May 2017. At the same time with when Mr. Ikmanda told us to drawing the plant cell and animal cell, he told us too for making some Protista by our self. First of all, Mr. Ikmanda give us the procedure “How the right way to make Protista”. He says that first, we have to take some litter of dirty water. The dirty water that he means is which dirty by natural circulation not by chemical things. After that we took some rick/ hay, and we boil it to make some “home” for them, don’t forget to wait until the boil of rick/hay, getting cooler, we mixed it with the dirty water that we’ve got. Then, wait until a view of days that water will be very bad smell, therefore our protest are living there. Mr.Ikmanda’s explanation has clearly enough so we can follow the procedure easily.
 In the Saturday 27th June, 2017, we start our experiment. Firstly we seek the rick in the rice field area. We take some of rick to bring to our home for the next step for our experiment. There is no difficulty to found the rick because is a lot of rice field area in my hometown. And sure I have request from risk to farmer before. After that, we boil 700 ml of water with risk in the pan and wait for a minutes. And then, we take a water from boiling of risk and we put into container. Wait until the water of boiling risk to be cool and input to the Bottle. It smell is natural from the risk. Any preparation of home of Protista is ready so I bring it from my hometown to Bandung on the Sunday 30th June 7, 2017. In Bandung we directly to conduct for the next step. We take 100 ml of dirty water from the pond in the near of my room. So, after I arrived to my room l directly to put the dirty water into Protista Home which is I bring it from my hometown. We put both into the container and the amount of it is 800 ml. and we put it without the cover and wait until we conduct the observation in lab. Next day I check my experiment in my room and the smell is changed with the bead on the surface.. So, it’s indicate that there are the Protista in my container. So I ready bring my Protista to observe it on the next day in Lab.
In the next Wednesday, which is 31 of May 2017, Mr. Ikmanda ask us to bring our Protista to Science Lab Class, and he ask us to observe our Protista, is it live or not. So, the first thing that we do is, as always we full fill the paper sheet for data all stuff that we’ve borrowed in Lab, after that we bring all the stuff that we need for experiment, such a microscope, 2 pair of slides & cover, pipette, and cotton. We start the observation from ripped the cotton to be the thin ones, for being the good trap for the protest. Then we put the slice of cotton on the slides, after that we put one drop of the dirty water, then we cover it by the glasses cover, after the slide is ready, we start put the slides on the stage of the microscope then secure the slides with the 2 stage clip beside the slide for observation, first we controlled the diaphragm for have the enough of the light, then we try to use the 100x objective but we don’t see anything, there is nothing except our cotton there, so we try again by using 400x objective, but the result is the same, still got nothing. After we try to make the slide twice by using our water, but there is no the result, so we have to get the water from other group who has got the protest, after we make the new slides from different water, we got the Protista! Finally we trapped it! Even not using our own water, but at least we’ve success for trapped the Protista, then we take the video of that Protista, it’s quite hard for have a good video, cause the Protista moving so fast, but finally we’ve record some Protista that trapped on the cotton. So this is the result,


There are 3 Protista trapped there.
While we observe this Protista, we still curious with our water, “how can there is nothing in our water?” so we still tried and tried to make the slides and try to observe and we’re surprised when we got some Protista trapped there!
Sadly the picture we’ve got not as clearly as the first observation, but this one is using our own water, if you can see that small yellow one is the Protista that we’ve trapped. Our Protista move more slowly than the Protista we’ve observe before.

So, that’s all what we’ve do last week. Hopefully my story will be very useful, thank youJ.

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